Call Type
Non-Required Principal
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
3:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
2:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Guest Artist
Guest Artist Tier 3 - $510/wk
Hillcrest Center for the Arts
403 W. Hillcrest
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
AEA and non-AEA Talent for all roles. 3 AEA Guest Artist contracts available, to be cast from among these roles: Robert, Joanne, Amy, Harry, Sarah, Paul, April, Marta.
Bring sheet music in the proper key, accompanist provided. Audition with a Sondheim song (preferable) or a contemporary/legit Musical Theatre song. No recorded music or a capella, please. Non-union please limit song to one minute.
Other Dates
First Rehearsal: Non-AEA: January 3, 2015; AEA: January 5, 2015
Performance Dates: January 23 – February 8, 2015 (14-16 performances)
ALL ROLES OPEN TO NON-EQUITY. There is pay for all roles. All roles are available. DIVERSITY: All ethnic types encouraged for all roles.
Director: Nick DeGruccio
Musical Director: Cassie Nickols
Artistic Director: Lewis Wilkenfeld
Musical Director will serve as accompanist.
· A monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
By appointment only. Please call 805-497-8613 ext 5.
Performers of all ethnic and racial background are encouraged to attend.
Always bring your Equity Membership Card to auditions.
Performances to take place at the Janet and Ray Scherr Forum Theatre, Bank of America Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Cast limited to age 18 and above.
Note: Although the roles of Robert and April may require discreet and tasteful nudity, there will be no nudity required at auditions or callbacks.
ROBERT: (Male, Plays 30-35 yrs old) A guy who all the women love and who all the men want to be. He is a keen observer who appears happy but holds pain in his heart. He is the only one of his friends still single. Terrified of marriage and fears a lifelong loneliness. Comfortable with partial nudity. (Range: G3 – Bb4)
SARAH AND HARRY – A lot of verbal sparring takes place between them:
SARAH: (Female, Plays 30-40 yrs old) Hyper critical. She overeats, talks about food a lot and has taken up karate, which is no substitute. Open, accepting, and full of love. (Range: A3 - B5)
HARRY: (Male, Plays 35-45 yrs old) Sarah’s husband. He is a recovering alcoholic continually falling off the wagon, has a DUI. Believes the advantages of marriage outweigh the disadvantages. (Range: A2 – B4)
SUSAN AND PETER – the “ideal couple” - to those on the outside:
SUSAN: (Female, Plays 30-40 yrs old) A delicate southern belle. Peter’s wife and ex-wife. Motherly in her affections towards Robert. (Range: A3 - B5)
PETER: (Male, Plays 30-40 yrs old) Susan's husband. The perfect husband and ex-husband. He is very liberal in his view of relationships. (Range: A2 – B4)
JENNY AND DAVID – She finds comfort in being straight laced; he wants to be more relaxed, she wins:
JENNY: (Female, Play 30-40 yrs old) Quietly manipulative, simultaneously square and wise. Loves her husband, David, and will indulge him from time to time. (Range: A3 - B5)
DAVID: (Male, Plays 30-40 yrs old) Jenny's husband, he is relaxed and always in control. Believes a man should be married and that the sacrifice of freedom is worth what you get in return. (Range: A2 – B4)
AMY AND PAUL – In love, but she’s afraid to commit:
AMY: (Female, Plays 25-35 yrs old) A frantic neurotic in therapy for years, engaged to Paul but terrified of marriage. After a mental breakdown, she finally realizes that Paul is, in fact, her soulmate. (Range: G3 - B5)
PAUL: (Male, Plays 30-40 yrs old) Amy's fiancé. Mildly clingy, but patient to her neurotic nature. He is fully committed to the idea of marriage and encourages Robert to do the same. (Range: B2 – A4)
JOANNE AND LARRY – She pushes love away, he refuses to leave:
JOANNE: (Female, Plays 40-50 yrs old) Acerbic, demanding, and blunt. Too old to be part of the young crowd, but not old enough to be part of the older crowd. Sharp-tongued broad whose drunken scorn for others is matched only by her self-contempt, melts when she is alone with her husband. (Range: G3 – B5)
LARRY: (Male, Plays 45-55 yrs old) Joanne’s husband. He is stoic and centered, but has moments of goofiness. Indulges his wife’s behavior but knows when to put his foot down. (Range: B2 – A4)
APRIL: (Female, Plays 25-35 yrs old) A girlfriend of Robert’s. She is a flight attendant who came to New York to live in Radio City because she thought it was a city near New York. Ditzy and adorable. Comfortable with partial nudity. (Range: A3 - B5)
MARTA: (Female, Plays 20-30 yrs old) A girlfriend of Robert's. She hangs out on 14th Street and has theories on pretty much every topic imaginable. She is an intensely with-it woman, who is seeking adventure and excitement in the City. (Range: A3 - B5)
KATHY: (Female, Plays 25-35 yrs old) An old girlfriend of Robert’s, who is now considered a good friend. She plans to leave the City for a life of domesticity. Sweet and loving. (Range: A3 - B5)