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Actors Theatre of Indiana 2024-25 Season Equity Principal Actors - Actors Theatre of Indiana Auditions

Posted March 8, 2024
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Actors Theatre of Indiana 2024-25 Season - Actors Theatre of Indiana

Actors Theatre of Indiana 2024-25 Season - Carmel, IN EPA Actors Theatre of Indiana | Carmel, IN

Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA


Friday, March 22, 2024

10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (E)

Lunch 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM


To schedule an audition appointment please email Darrin Murrell at or call 765-212-8127, Mon-Fri 10am-6pm.



$459 weekly minimum (SPT 4)


Equity actors for roles in Actors Theatre of Indiana's 2024-25 Season (See breakdown).


Please prepare one comic monologue and song in the style of Classic Broadway or Great American Songbook. No longer than two minutes in length. An accompanist will be provided. Accompaniment tracks are welcome as well and a bluetooth speaker will be provided. Also, please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.


Center for the Performing Arts

4 Center Green

Carmel, IN 46032

Room 141/142 - Enter through the marked door on the ground level of the parking garage.


Kent M. Lewis (Director - RING OF FIRE)

Expected to attend:

Artistic Director: Judy Fitzgerald

Associate Artistic Director: Darrin Murrell Richard J. Roberts (Director - SHE LOVES ME)

Julie Lyn Barber (Director - WHODUNIT) Suzanne Fleenor (Director - 9 TO 5)



1st Rehearsal: August 27, 2024

Performances: September 13 – 29, 2024


1st Rehearsal: October 15, 2024

Performances: November 1 – 17, 2024


1st Rehearsal: January 14, 2025

Performances: January 31 – February 17, 2025

9 TO 5

1st Rehearsal: April 8, 2025

Performances: April 25 – May 11, 2025


An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination.

Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.


Actors Theatre of Indiana 2024-25 Season



TRENNA - THIS ROLE IS CAST. Any age, Female vocalist, doubling on acoustic guitar if possible JASON - THIS ROLE IS CAST. 40s/50s, Male vocalist playing acoustic guitar

DAVE - THIS ROLE IS CAST. 50s, Male vocalist playing electric guitar, banjo and fiddle EDDIE - THIS ROLE IS CAST. 30s, Male vocalist playing acoustic and electric guitar

MARK - 20s, Male vocalist playing bass (preferably double bass but electric bass can be used) and various percussion



Arpad Laszlo – M, teen-presenting, E4-Bb2 - Delivery boy at Maraczek's Parfumerie. His exuberance is infectious and commitment to his job remarkable. He is ambitious and adorable.

Ladislav Sipos – THIS ROLE IS CAST. M, 50s, A2-E4 - Not the brightest employee at Maraczek's Parfumerie. A confidant to Georg, he is an optimistic family man who looks like a huggable father.

Ilona Ritter – F, 30s, E5-F#3 - Employed at Maraczek's Parfumerie. She is sexy and learned in the ways of romance but longing for something more from the game of love.

Steven Kodaly – M, 30s/40s, A4-B2 - A well respected and liked employee at Maraczek's Parfumerie. Though he is considered dapper and occasionally charming, he is more of a shallow womanizer.

Georg Nowack – M, 30s, F4-B2 - An established employee of Maraczek's Parfumerie, he resembles a hopeless romantic. Shy, intelligent, and soft spoken.

Mr. Maraczek – THIS ROLE IS CAST. M, 50s/60s, B2-C4 - Owner of Maraczek's Parfumerie. With a commanding presence, his dedication to the trade is rivaled only by his faithfulness to his wife.

Amalia Balash – F, 30s, B5-C4 - The eager new employee at Maraczek's Parfumerie. Despite being a skilled saleswoman, she easily becomes intimated and nervous. Attractive, bright, and a lover of literature.

Ensemble – 5 Roles Available, 1 role already cast. Any Gender, Any Age



Carrie Innes – THIS ROLE IS CAST. F, 50s, A wealthy, stylish American woman of a certain age on holiday. Soprano low G to high F.

Liddy Allen – THIS ROLE IS CAST. F, 50s, Her difficult Cockney maid (not the least bit stylish) of about the same age. Belter low G to high B.

Sally Innes – F, 20s, Soprano (low A to high G) - Carrie’s pretty niece.

Jack Bailey – M, 20s, Tenor (low A to high G) - Sally’s handsome, young friend from school. Mr. Jarvis – M, 50s, Baritone (low G to high F) - The austere local detective.

Thomas Johnson – M, 30s/40s, Baritone (low G to high F) - A very English butler.

9 to 5


Violet – THIS ROLE IS CAST. F, 50s, F3-D5 - The company's Head Secretary and Mr. Hart's Administrative Assistant, she is a single mother and typically stands up for what she believes in. Attractive, strong, ambitious.

Doralee – F, 20s, E5-G3 - A young, sexy spitfire who works at Mr. Hart's office. She is proof that there is more to a woman than just her looks.

Judy – F, 30s, F5-Ab3 - The new girl at the firm, she has been burned by her husband's affair and is searching for personal empowerment. Insecure, determined, and hopeful.

Franklin Hart – THIS ROLE IS CAST. M, 50s, C3-G4 - One of the firm's executives and a notorious chauvinist. He is capable of faking charm but usually shows his true colors as an arrogant, self absorbed boss.

Roz Keith – THIS ROLE IS CAST. F, 40s, G3-C5 - The attentive office gossip queen and snitch. She has an unrequited love for Mr. Hart and will do anything she can to win his approval.

Joe – M, 20s/30s, G4-B2 - A handsome, young office accountant. Genuine and nice, and smitten with Violet.

Dwayne – M, 20s/30s, G4-E2 - Doralee's attractive husband. He is very supportive of her professional pursuits.

Josh – M, teen-presenting - Violet's awkward teenage son.

Missy – F, 20s/30s - Franklin Hart's wife, clueless to her husband's true nature.

Maria – F, 20s/30s, D5-F4 - A young and vibrant secretary in Hart's office.

Dick – M, 30s/40s - Judy's soon-to-be ex-husband. An average guy, he is sporting a little less hair and a little more paunch than he did ten years ago.

Kathy – F, 30s, D5-G4 - A secretary in Hart's office with a tendency to gossip.

Margaret – F, 30s/40s - A secretary in Hart's office with a tendency to drink.

Tinsworthy – THIS ROLE IS CAST. M, 50s/60s – Franklin Hart's boss and Chairman of the Board. A good man, who may be wiser to Hart's ways than he lets on.

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