Florida Studio Theatre
Mon, Jul 16, 2018
10:00 am - 6:00 pm (EDT)
Lunch 1:00-2:00 pm
Please call Meg Gilbert, Artistic Assistant at 941-366-9017, ext. 3 to schedule an audition time. James Ashford, Casting & Hiring Coordinator will conduct these auditions.
LORT Non-Rep LORT D - $656/week
Equity actors for roles in A GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE TO LOVE AND MURDER (see breakdown).
NOTE – We are seeking a multi-cultural cast for this show. Any role can be played by an actor of any racial background or ethnicity.
Please prepare a song from the show or in that style. An accompanist will be provided. All should bring an updated photo & resume to the audition.
Florida Studio Theatre
1241 N Palm Ave
Sarasota, FL 34236-5602
Richard Hopkins Artistic Director (expected to attend)
Director – Jason Cannon
Music and Lyrics by Robert L. Freedman, Music and Lyrics by Steven Lutvak
Begins rehearsal – October 15, 2018
Opens – November 9, 2018
Closes – January 20, 2019
Florida Studio Theatre an established LORT D, Equity regional theatre in Sarasota, FL. Great artistic environment, Equity Contract with competitive, negotiable salaries.
An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.
Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.
The uproarious story of Monty Navarro, an heir to a family fortune who sets out to jump the line of succession by—you guessed it—eliminating the eight pesky relatives who stand in his way. Gentleman’s Guide will have you dying with laughter.
Montague “Monty” Navarro – 30s. Handsome and effortlessly charming, clever and charismatic, vulnerable and endearing, with a highly developed appreciation for life’s ironies. High baritone with a strong top; solid low A to high A.
Miss Shingle – 30s – 50s. a Cockney housekeeper/governess who has served a wealthy, titled family for 30 years. She informs Monty that he is indeed a D’Ysquith. Storytelling is paramount for her role. Seeking a character woman. Mezzo soprano, G to high A.
Sibella Hallward – late 20s – mid 30s. Sexy, flirtatious, narcissistic, willful, calculating, and irresistible. A social climber, yes, but also truly loves Monty, and in the end would do anything to protect him. Tremendous wit and high style. Strong mover. Character mezzo, low F# to high A, belting not required.
Phoebe D’Ysquith – Early 20s – early 30s. Beautiful, virtuous, forthright, romantic, comically earnest, with a backbone of steel. She is not your typical ingénue, though. Actress must have a sense of irony and humor, in addition to a youthful innocence behind her sophistication. Coloratura soprano up to a high sustained C# with an optional high Eb. Very flexible and agile, B below middle C on the bottom.
The D’Ysquith Family – played by one actor. 30s – mid 50s. Must be an experienced, skilled, and transformational comedic actor who has a superb grasp on British farce. Physical comedy and stamina is a necessity. Does not necessarily need to be a phenomenal singer, but must be able to carry a musical comedy without an ounce of hesitation. Plays a full range of characters from the same family, ranging from an off-kilter priest to a closeted bee enthusiast to a lowly custodian (each of them intrinsic “English types”).
Asquith D’Ysquith, Jr. – a dandy.
Lord Adlabert D’Ysquith – Eighth Earl of Highhurst
Reverend Lord Ezekiel D’Ysquith – a clergyman
Lord Adlabert D’Ysquith, Sr. – an elderly banker
Henry D’Ysquith – a country squire
Major Lord Bartholomew D’Ysquith – a bodybuilder
Lady Hyacinth D’Ysquith – a benefactress
Lady Salome D’Ysquith Pumphrey – an actress
Chauncey D’Ysquith - a janitor
Ensemble – three men and three women who each play a number of characters
Woman #1 - 30s – 50s. Plays TOUR GUIDE, as well as PUB OWNER’S WIFE, MRS. PEBWORTH, 3RD NEWSBOY. Seeking a character woman. Mezzo soprano, G to high A.
Woman #2 - 30s – late 50s. Plays LADY EUGENIA, an unhappily married countess. Overbearing and mean spirited at times, but comically so. Must be highly adept at the biting quip and the withering glare. Also plays MISS HETHERINGTON, and 4TH NEWSBOY. Low F# to high A.
Woman #3 - Mid 20s – mid 30s. Plays MISS BARLEY, an alluring artist model. Also plays SIBELLA’S MAID, HYACINTH COLLEAGUE, PHOEBE’S MAID, HILDA. G to high C.
Man #1 - 20s – mid 30s. Appealing and attractive. Plays TOM COPLEY (aka FARMER), as well as 2ND CLERK, HYACINTH COLLEAGUE, 2ND NEWSBOY, ACTOR, ANCESTRAL BUST, DR. PETTIBONE, and GUARD. High baritone with a strong top; solid low A to high A.
Man #2 - Early 30s – 50s. A versatile and appealing character man. Plays DETECTIVE PINCKEY, who has a featured number. Also plays 1ST CLERK, PUB OWNER, MR. CROSS, 1ST NEWSBOY, 1ST ACTOR, PHYSICIAN, and 2ND ANCESTRAL BUST. Bass, low C to high G#.
Man #3 - 30s – 50s. A character man. Plays THE MAGISTRATE, as well as MR. GOODSALL, ACTOR, and MR. GORBY. THE MAGISTRATE has a featured number with DETECTIVE PINCKEY. True tenor. B flat to high B flat.
NOTE – We are seeking a multi-cultural cast for this show. Any role can be played by an actor of any racial background or ethnicity.
Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to audition.