Westport Country Playhouse presents a Script in Hand reading of the comedy/thriller True Art, written by Jessica Provenz and directed by Kimberly Senior. The story follows an idealistic art history major who lands a dream job at a prestigious museum, only to find herself entangled in a web of ambition, deception, and the quest for authenticity amidst whispers of a lost Michelangelo painting. The cast features Bob Ari as art dealer Buddy Silver, Alyssa May Gold as temp Lauren Sanders, and Deirdre Madigan as lead curator Jodi Dean, along with Charlie Reid and Rebbekah Vega-Romero. This engaging tale explores the moral dilemmas faced in the high-stakes world of art.
Broadway Scores at the Playhouse (1/23/25-1/26/25)
Native Gardens (2/18/25-3/8/25)
Theatre People, or The Angel Next Door (3/25/25-3/25/25)
Theatre People (3/25/25-4/12/25)
A Sherlock Carol (12/17/24-12/22/24)
The 39 Steps (10/22/24-11/9/24)
Playhouse Playmakers (10/13/24-11/24/24)
The Best Is Yet to Come (9/14/24-9/14/24)
Satchel Paige and The Kansas City Swing (9/9/24-9/9/24)
From the Page to the Stage (8/23/24-8/24/24)
Pinkalicious, The Musical (8/17/24-8/17/24)
School Girls; or, The African Mean Girls Play (10/24/23-11/11/23)
Maytag Virgin (8/21/23-8/21/23)
34th Season of Shows
Kweskin Theatre (9/13 - 12/31) | ||
New Works Festival
Pa'lante Theater Company (3/13 - 3/16) | ||
Curse of the Starving Class
Visual and Performing Arts Center at WCSU (4/4 - 4/13) | ||
A Contemporary Theatre of Connecticut (A.C.T of CT) (5/29 - 6/22) | ||
Murder Inn
The Little Theatre of Manchester (2/7 - 2/23) | ||
M Butterfly
Brookfield Theatre (9/12 - 9/27) | ||
Peter Pan (Non-Equity)
Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts [Mortensen Hall] (2/4 - 2/9) | ||
Fiddler on the Roof
A Contemporary Theatre of Connecticut (A.C.T of CT) (2/6 - 3/9) | ||
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