Nine Modern Day Warriors Embark on a Unique Survival Test to Prove They Can Endure Discovery's ULTIMATE NINJA CHALLENGE
by Tori Hartshorn - July 02, 2018 In the brutal cold of the unforgiving Pacific Northwest wilderness, nine modern-day warriors take on a relentless, 24-day survival challenge based on the ancient laws of the Ninja. In Discovery's all-new series ULTIMATE NINJA CHALLENGE, eight grueling missions created by Jinichi Kawakami, the last k...
ULTIMATE NINJA CHALLENGE Premieres on Discovery Channel August 5
by Macon Prickett - July 03, 2018 In the brutal cold of the unforgiving Pacific Northwest wilderness, nine modern-day warriors take on a relentless, 24-day survival challenge based on the ancient laws of the Ninja. In Discovery's all-new series ULTIMATE NINJA CHALLENGE, eight grueling missions created by Jinichi Kawakami, the last k... |