"Serial Thriller: Chameleon" is a three-part mini-series in Investigation Discovery's "Serial Thriller" trilogy of scripted stories. Episodes 1 & 2 aired on 6 December with the 3rd and final part airing on Monday 7 December 2015. This series is based on the true story of a prolific American serial killer who terrorized a small American town in the 1980's chronicles a cunning, manipulative sociopath who emerges from the shadows. Targeting young females with his irresistible charm, 'The Chameleon' carefully covers his tracks by masking his identity with multiple disguises. As the body count grows and suspects are eliminated, detectives are forced to expand their search across state lines. Viewers join authorities on the manhunt, learning that they are not only investigating the work of a serial killer, but also racing against the clock to save a survivor who has been his captive for 12 days.
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