"Saturday Morning Fever" is a docu-comedy that tells the story of the long-running local Philadelphia dance show Dancin' On Air. Despite the small stage, the regulars on the show wholeheartedly believe that this is their ticket to stardom. Saturday Morning Fever delivers a true life fly-on-the-wall docu-series that explores the lives of these unwavering dreamers and their journey to the spotlight. - Source TVMaze
Tina DeCara Releases Empowering Anthem 'Bones'
by Michael Major - October 16, 2023
New York based pop artist Tina DeCara is an unmistakable star in the making. Inspired and influenced by a wide variety of modern day artists such as Amy Winehouse, Lady Gaga, Dave Grohl with a nod to legends including Ella Fitzgerald, Nina Simone and Michael Jackson, Tina has been regularly turning ...