Set in the town of Buckner, Missouri, "Outlaw Country" chronicles the perennial battle between law enforcement and crime by following Steve and Mike Cook, brothers who act as Chief of Police and head of the Buckner Criminal Task Force, respectively, as they clash with John and Josh Monk, brothers they suspect are responsible for the town's surge in crime. In this one hour docudrama, producers were given full access to both the police force and the Monk Brothers' camp, providing an unprecedented look at crime in a small town from both sides of the law. "Outlaw Country" is executive-produced by Eric Bischoff and Jason Hervey for Bischoff Hervey Entertainment ("The Devils Ride," "Hardcore Pawn: Chicago"), alongside Charles "Chucky" Lynch, Robert Kaprill and Peter Karlin. WGN America has ordered seven one-hour episodes to premiere Tuesday, February 24, 2015 (10:00 p.m. ET / 9:00 p.m. CT).