Know a student program in need of extra funds this fall? Maybe a school needs money for a nutrition program or musical instruments, art classes or school garden supplies? The U.S. Apple Association (USApple) - which represents the U.S. apple industry from apple growers to juice makers - wants to hear from you as it seeks nominations for the second annual Apples for Education: Buy an Apple, Help a Student cause program pledging school financial support one apple bite at a time.
Through Sept. 19, educators, parents and people everywhere are encouraged to visit to enter and share an important student cause in their community in need of financial support. USApple will then select finalists eligible for funds this fall.
From Oct. 1 through Nov. 12, USApple and its Apple Buddies (supporting brands) will call on people to vote for the school cause of their choice every time they:
The school with the most tags - or votes - will receive the most funding, with additional funds awarded to other top-participating schools.
Last year's inaugural campaign received more than 20,000 votes and provided $21,000 to 12 student causes ranging from school gardens and playground makeovers to robotics and reading education initiatives-from small towns to large cities, coast to coast from Washington to Georgia.
"We felt this program truly made a difference in kids' lives last year. Not only were they eating more apples and establishing healthy nutrition habits at a young age, but also they received benefits through these vital school programs," said Wendy Brannen, Director, Consumer Health and Public Relations, USApple. "Whether our money helped sharpen their early reading skills or developed a program where their parents learned to cook with fruits and vegetables, every cause was worthwhile and made our industry eager to fund this program again in fall 2016."
Brannen encourages people to submit nominations and get involved to help students in their local communities.
About USApple:
U.S. Apple Association is the national trade association representing all segments of the apple industry. Members include 40 state and regional associations representing the 7,500 apple growers throughout the country, as well as more than 400 individual firms involved in the apple business. More information on the organization is available at
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