Health-Ade Kombucha has partnered with Katrina Scott and Karena Dawn,the globally recognized wellness duo and co-founders of Tone It Up, a healthy lifestyle brand and fitness community, to debut its first co-branded kombucha this summer. With their shared ethos that encourages individuality and personal wellness goals, Health-Ade and Tone It Up join forces to introduce Health-Ade's organic and raw Bubbly Rose Superfood flavor nationally, onAugust 22nd.
"We'rethrilled to partner with fellow female entrepreneurs Katrina and Karena of ToneIt Up. These amazing women encourage theirtribe to unlock the healthiest,happiest version of themselves, and this collaboration celebrates ourshared values of optimism andauthenticity," says Daina Trout, CEO andco-founder of Health-Ade Kombucha.
Part ofHealth-Ade's Superfood line, Tone It Up'sBubbly Rosefeatureshawthorn berry, mangosteen and pink rose paired with Health-Ade's original basekombucha (a mix of fermented organic black and green teas) for a flavor profilethat is subtly fruit-forward and atouch tart. The new flavor joins Maca-Berry, Reishi-Chocolate and Power Greens, the other coreflavors in the Superfoodline, which feature functional and botanicalingredients.
"We've always loved Health-Ade and admired their commitment to using only the highest quality and organic ingredients," says Scott. "We're thrilled to partner with them and bring Bubbly Rose to stores so every Tone It Up girl can enjoy it!"
"We can't wait to share Bubbly Rose with the Tone It Up and Health-Ade communities," says Dawn. "When dreaming up this collaboration, we were inspired by the flavors we love like berry and rose. It's also a play on ros a TIU girl fave! This will be the perfect drink to enjoy with girlfriends, on its own or to mix up a cocktail or mocktail!"
The new ToneIt UpBubbly Roseflavor will be available at Whole Foods in Southern California, Rocky Mountains, the North East, and select retailers and grocers nationally, as well asonline via Health-Ade'snew e-commerce platform the first dedicated online marketplace of anykombucha brand.
Health-AdeKombucha is offered at a suggested retail price of $3.99/16 oz.
Handcrafted insuper-small 2.5 gallon batches, Health-Ade Kombucha is committed to producingthe best tasting and highest qualitykombucha you can buy. Health-Ade wasfounded in 2012 by Daina Trout alongside her husband, Justin Trout, and bestfriend, VanessaDew in Los Angeles, where they now operate a fast-growingbrewery in Torrance, CA. Since its inception, Health-Ade has beendedicated tosupporting the real food movement, preparing its kombucha using traditionalbrewing techniques and the bestingredients, including cold-pressed juice fromorganic produce. Health-Ade is always free of preservatives and artificialflavors, neverpasteurized or force-carbonated and organically fermented inglass jars to prevent metal or plastic leaching. The result is a naturallyfizzy, delicious kombucha you can feel good about drinking.
Health-Ade iscurrently the fastest growing brand in its category and is projected tosignificantly expand its business nationwide in2018. BevNet has honoredHealth-Ade with its "Best of 2016" award and CircleUp25 named Health-Ade one ofthe most innovativebrands of the year.
For more info,, or follow along on socialmedia @healthade.
Tone It Up is a women's specific healthy lifestyle community created by Co-Founders Karena Dawn and Katrina Scott. It offers workout content on the website and Studio Tone It Up app, nutrition guidance and recipes, lifestyle tips, support and encouragement - and best of all, it has created a platform where women can connect, each sharing in the same journey towards better health and happiness. The community offers members a tremendous accountability and support system - and, a large and loyal network of like minded women to lean on and lift up throughout the process. This quirky, energetic "friend-to-friend" approach to fitness has made Tone It Up the one stop destination for women seeking a fun, unique approach to achieving their best self.
For more info,, or follow along on socialmedia @toneitup.
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