Drake's Devil Dogs are an original. Two classic, fun-shaped Devils Food cakes, sandwiched around an abundance of rich, Drake's vanilla-flavored creme, first introduced in 1926. This Christmas season, Devil Dogs lovers will get an early Christmas present.
"We asked Devil Dogs fans to create their own Devil Dogs and Mint Creme was the top flavor suggestion," said Chip Stenberg, Drake's associate brand manager. "Drake's Christmas Mint Creme Devil Dogs will be available for a limited time, from mid-October through Christmas."
Drake's Christmas Mint Creme Devil Dogs will be available in supermarkets, supercenters, value retailers and convenience stores throughout the Eastern U.S. A product locator search function will be available to consumers at drakescake.com.
As with all Drake's cakes, Christmas Mint Creme Devil Dogs are certified kosher buy the Orthodox Union. Consumers can look for the circled-U symbol (hechsher) on the cartons.
About Drake's: Drake's founder, Newman E. Drake, established the brand in 1896 selling sliced pound cake in New York City. Now a part of the McKee Foods family bakery, Drake's cakes are high-quality products that are baked fresh and delivered directly to neighborhood stores throughout the eastern U.S. More information is available at drakescake.com, on Facebook at facebook.com/drakes and on Twitter at twitter.com/drakes.
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