A new book by Philippe Douyon, MD, Neuroplasticity: Your Brain's Superpower: Change Your Brain and Change Your Life will soon be released on April 23.
We live in a time in which more than 100 million Americans suffer from a neurological illness. Not only is that number expected to rise and the annual cost to care for people with neurological disorders expected to surpass 1 trillion dollars, but the impact of these illnesses on our lives is unlike any other. Neurological disorders affect every fiber of our being. They cause physical, psychological, emotional, and cognitive impairments. They rob us of our lives and families in a way that diseases of other organs can't. Oftentimes it seems that we are helpless to do anything about it. But, what if that wasn't true?
Neuroplasticity: Your Brain's Superpower empowers us to have a different relationship with our brains. Instead of just succumbing to whatever potential dysfunction, degeneration, or disease that may impact our nervous system, in this book we explore the ways in which we can give our brains exactly what they need to adapt, heal, and thrive.
Neuroplasticity: Your Brain's Superpower takes us on a journey through things that influence the evolution of our brains, including various diseases. Not only do we learn about these illnesses, but also about the potential healing that can take place after the injury. This book expands the conversation about brain health so that we can include the principles of neuroplasticity to help us take control of our neurological destinies.
About the Author
Philippe Douyon, MD is a Board-Certified Neurologist who has spent the last five years working as an Epileptologist and General Neurologist with the Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group. During these years, he served as an attending Neurologist at Hackensack University Medical Center, Holy Name Hospital, and Jersey City Medical Center. Drawing on his clinical and academic experiences, he helped develop a free clinic in New York, the Inle Brainfit Institute which is a health, wellness and technology company created to improve people's health and quality of life.
Douyon is also the Founder and CEO of Founder & CEO of "The Inle BrainFit Institute"®. He is also the creator of the app, "Dr. Douyon's BrainFit"™. For more information on The Inle Brainfit Institute, please visit: http://www.inlebrainfitinstitute.com.
You can purchase Neuroplasticity: Your Brain's Superpower: Change Your Brain and Change Your Life on Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/Neuroplasticity-Brains-Superpower-Change-Relationship/dp/164228100X/ref=as_li_ss_tl?keywords=philippe+douyon&qid=1553790689&s=gateway&sr=8-1-spell&linkCode=sl1&tag=izzink0f-20&linkId=3386dcfce8f2d83c70f3ad2c9e1a750a&language=en_US.
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Philippe Douyon