The Clean House, directed by Ivan Urumov, comes to Plovdiv Drama Theatre this November. The play opens November 6, 2018 at the Chamber Hall.
Staring Ivana Papazova, Elena Atanasova, Radina Dumanyan, Troyan Gogov, and Yoana Bukovska
The play written by Sarah Ruhl, is a crackerjack, funny, smart and charming look at a contemporary family facing romantic betrayal, illness and a Portuguese maid who not only hates to clean but has made it her mission to create the perfect punch line, this play, written by a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, will keep you laughing as you fall in love with Ms. Ruhl's affaire de coeur.
For more information and to purchase tickets check out:
Photo Credit:Georgi Vachev