Any thespian worth his or her salt knows that there is always more than one side to any story worth telling. The same can be said of working in a summer company. The ensemble here at Interlakes Theatre is comprised of actors of all different ages from all across the country, and we all bring our own unique perspectives to this process. This week I decided to give another actress a turn at talking about the in's and out's of life at summer stock, my new college and friend, Dana Rose. Dana is a rising senior at The Hartt School, and like me, she is making her summer stock debut.
T: So Dana, what brings you to New Hampshire this summer?
D: "I am an actor for the Summer Company here at Interlakes Theatre, and I am working in the ensemble for four different shows: 9 to 5, The Producers, My Fair Lady, and Footloose."
T: We are currently rehearsing for 9 to 5, can you describe what the process has been like for you?
D: "It's really fun! It's pretty cool because you have a lot of creative license with it, and the director [David Beris] will always put you on to the direction that he wants. It's fun to start off with your own ideas, I know that doesn't always happen, so I'm very fortunate in that."
T: I know the season is just beginning, but what are some of the challenges you've experienced so far?
D: "I feel like learning a lot of material in a short amount of time is always a challenge, but I feel like that will definitely benefit me in the future. It teaches me to be more prepared for other works that may come my way."
T: We have such a short time to bring these shows to life, what is that fast pace like?
D: "It is very quick; we learned all of our music in one rehearsal, so that was hard. It is our responsibility to go back and make sure that we have all of the notes and they are perfect. We are still working on it, but it's a really great learning experience. This is going to prepare us for the future. My favorite part is definitely getting to work with such talented actors every day."
T: What show are you the most excited for?
D: "Ugh, that's hard. I think 9 to 5 is the one."
T: Really? So, right now we are doing your "one"?
D: "Oh yeah, it's the one."
T: What is some advice for future summer stock hopefuls?
D: "Come as prepared as you can. Learn material before you get here!"
T: What is next for you after Interlakes?
D: "Return to school for my senior year and prepare my senior showcase."
T: And what about after school?
D: "Broadway, of course!"