I Hate Hamlet is the unapologetically silly and hilarious tale of how Andy Rally, a successful young actor whose TV series has been cancelled, reluctantly comes to New York to take on one of the most challenging roles in theater history - Hamlet! To help him through this daunting task, the ghost of the legendary star (and lecher and lush), John Barrymore, appears to give his young would-be successor instructions in acting, not to mention life and love. Playwright Paul Rudnick invites the audience to laugh at the craziness that goes along with performing Shakespeare ("It's, like, algebra on stage!") and the wily Hollywood producer who tries to lure Andy back to L.A. with a new series that could make him millions.
Director Steve Goldklang has assembled for the Vagabonds a cast of talented Baltimore comic veterans including Harry B. Turner (Barrymore), Christopher Krysztofiak (Andy) and Shannon Benil, Kenny Johnson, Margery Germaine and Karin Crighton.Performances run from April 17 thru May 17; Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., and Sundays at 2:00 p.m. For reservations, send e-mail to reserve@vagabondplayers.org or call (410) 563-9135.
Lillian Troy and Harry B. Turner
Harry B. Turner and Andy Rally
Gary Peter Lefkowitz, Andy Rally, and Felicia Dantine