The Suburban Players are set to present "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying". The show is produced by Demetri and Rena Makres, directed by John Desmone, and has musical direction by Sally Tarr.
The show, which features live music, will be performed at Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Chruch (2504 Cub Hill Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21234) on February 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 27, and 28, 2009. Performance times are as follows: Fridays - dinner 6:30, show 8:00 pm, Saturdays - dinner 5:30 pm, show 7:00 pm, and Sundays - dinner 4:30 pm, show 6:00 pm.
Tickets cost $40. There is a group rate (minimum of 3 tables required) of $35 available on February 13 and 20 only! Family night is on Sundays only (tickets for children 12 and under cost $20).
Visa and Mastercard are accepted (4% surcharge per transaction). All sales are final; refunds will not be granted.
For ticket information call Harriet Hatzidimitriou at 410-467-3348.