BWW Review: KING LEAR at Saint Louis Shakespeare FestivalJune 7, 2021Yes, André de Shields is playing Lear! His long career in musical theater stretches from the original Hair to The Wiz to Hadestown, and it is bespangled with awards (Emmy, Grammy and others). He’s an icon. Now, at seventy-five, he takes on the most demanding role in all of Shakespeare.
BWW Review: LA FANCIULLA DEL WEST at Winter Opera St. LouisMarch 9, 2020St. Louis's wonderful Winter Opera closes it's thirteenth season with a fine production of a rarely-seen work by Puccini--La fanciulla del West, or The Girl of the Golden West. Now Puccini was fond of choosing exotic settings for his operas--look at Madama Butterfly and Turandot. Well, to a European, Fanciulla is equally exotic. It's set in a mining camp in the Sierra Nevadas during the California Gold Rush of 1848.
BWW Review: MADAM at .ZACKJanuary 13, 20201870: Eliza Haycraft, the reigning Madam of St. Louis brothels fights the powers that be in a bright new musical.
BWW Review: THE AGITATORS at Upstream TheaterOctober 2, 2019For going on fifteen years now Philip Boehm's Upstream Theater has been giving us some of the finest, most thought-provoking theater in town. Now they have opened a play about two iconic American agitators in the struggle for equal rights: Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony. It's by playwright Mat Smart, and it's called simply a?oeThe Agitatorsa??.
BWW Review: WHAMMY! at The Young LiarsSeptember 29, 2019Some Things that All People Should Know About the Nature and Function of the Self,
Its Place in the Economy of Life, its Proper Training and its Righteous Exercise
BWW Review: LA BOHEME at Union Avenue OperaJuly 29, 2019Union Avenue Opera is on a roll! Two homers in a row! First their sublime Candide, and now an equally fine production of Puccini's La bohème. Union Avenue knocked them both right into the bleachers, and those of us who were lucky enough to catch one of those prize performances now own a true treasure. I caught La bohème last night and I think I'll have that experience bronzed.
BWW Review: A Glorious RIGOLETTO Opens at Opera Theatre St. LouisJune 4, 2019The Opera Theatre of St. Louis continues its 44th festival season of world class opera with a magnificent production of Giuseppe Verdi's Rigoletto. OTSL presented a splendid Rigoletto fourteen years ago, but this production is, I think, even better. It's the best Rigoletto your ever likely to see.
BWW Review: FIGARO is Brilliantly Married in St. LouisMay 28, 2019Opera Theatre of St. Louis has opened its 44th festival season. This is St. Louis' prized centerpiece of opera, with a world-wide reputation. It is famous for its superb productions. The company's home is the beautiful and comfortable 763-seat Browning Theatre at Webster University. Gourmet picnic suppers may be enjoyed before the show on the lovely grounds of the theater. All operas are performed in English with super-titles.