Review: DIE ZAUBERFLOTE at Winter OperaFebruary 28, 2025Winter Opera rounds out its 18th season with a splendid production of Mozart’s Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute). This is perhaps the most popular opera in the world, and it is an all-round challenge for any company—vocally and technically.
Review: NEW WORKS COLLECTIVE at Opera Theatre Of Saint LouisFebruary 10, 2025Opera Theatre of Saint Louis has a rich history in world premiers, often commissioning new works from significant composers and librettists. But it seeks to foster brand new talents too. Its New Works Collective is a three-year project wherein each year OTSL commits to developing and producing three new short operas from fledgling composers and librettists.
Review: WOLF KINGS at Young LiarsNovember 11, 2024It’s a headlong dive into a fiercely black, wildly comic nightmare. It’s a venture into betrayal and menace and sex and chaos, and into the unplumbed depths of the psyche. It’s Wolf Kings, the Young Liars’ remarkable new piece now playing at The Chapel.
Review: H.M.S. PINAFORE at Winter OperaNovember 8, 2024It's a splendid production of Gilbert & Sullivan’s 'H.M.S. Pinafore', and it brims with glorious music, wonderful voices, and bright, delightful, timeless comedy.
Previews: WOLF KINGS at Young LiarsOctober 22, 2024The wonderfully imaginative Young Liars company pressents 'Wolf Kings'-- part Victorian Drag Show, part Parisian Literary Salon, and part Fairy Tale Resistance Rally.
Review: BLUES IN THE NIGHT at The Black RepSeptember 9, 2024Ron Himes’ amazing Black Rep company is opening its 48th season with a piece of pure delight. It’s called Blues in the Night, and it’s a glorious musical revue of the history of that genre. And such a vastly diverse history that is, with vaudeville songs, deeply moving songs of love and loss, lush and lonely excursions into real jazz, and comic novelty songs that get seriously, hilariously bawdy.
Review: INTO THE WOODS at Union Avenue OperaAugust 19, 2024The Union Avenue Opera completes its 30th season with a lavish production of Into the Woods. It’s yet another large challenge for this small company—and once again they meet and conquer it with élan.
Review: AIDA at Union Avenue OperaJuly 29, 2024Elephants? No elephants here. Just grand, grand opera!
(Tenor Limmie Pulliam will astonish you!)
The evening is filled with moments of glory.
Review: TWELFTH NIGHT at Clayton Community TheatreJuly 15, 2024Twelfth Night: It marks the end of Christmas and in Shakespeare’s day it was celebrated with great festivity—cakes and ale, wassailing and singing, merriment abounding. A very good time was had by all.
Review: CARMEN at Union Avenue OperaJuly 8, 2024Saint Louis’ Union Avenue Opera is celebrating the start of it’s thirtieth year with a superb production of Bizet’s Carmen! (Thirty years—that’s twenty-nine seasons. Like everyone else Union Avenue was “dark” in 2020.) Thirty years of ever-increasing excellence in this most challenging of musical arts. Housed in the nave of the Union Avenue Christian Church, this company offers the most intimate opera experience you’re likely to find anywhere.
Review: GALILEO GALILEI at Opera Theatre Of Saint LouisJune 17, 2024Opera Theatre of Saint Louis has opened an utterly glorious production of his opera, Galileo Galilei. It reconfirms OTSL’s place among the finest opera companies in the world. And it will assuredly help you resolve your issues with Phillip Glass.
Review: LA BOHEME at Opera Theatre Of Saint LouisJune 3, 2024You'll fall in love with Puccini yet again. Opera Theatre of St. Louis continues their forty-ninth season with a superb production of Puccini’s masterpiece, La Bohème—his most beloved work. The occasional sprinkle of very light rain seemed to refresh rather than deter those dining on the lovely grounds. Again the theatre was packed to the rafters with eager opera lovers. They were not disappointed.
Review: THE BARBER OF SEVILLE at Opera Theatre Of St. LouisMay 28, 2024Spring fever? If you’ve been made a bit dozy by these warm spring days the new production at Opera Theatre of Saint Louis will, with a bang, hoist you wide awake in all your senses. Rossini’s The Barber of Seville opened Saturday to an audience that packed the Loretto-Hilton theatre to the rafters.