BWW Review: THE WIZARD OF OZ at EPACDecember 8, 2017There's no place like home and there's no place like the Ephrata Performing Arts Center for the holiday season. EPAC sidesteps the glut of 'A Christmas Carol' productions performed at community theaters this time of year, and instead, puts on Decembers shows that are big, fun, and targeted for the entire family.
BWW Review: WHITE CHRISTMAS at Dutch Apple Dinner TheaterNovember 18, 2017Dutch Apple's production of White Christmas is a great night of theater for those wishing for some nostalgic memories of holidays from long ago. Simply put, If the Ghost of Christmas Past had a favorite musical, this would be it.
BWW Review: A CHRISTMAS STORY at Fulton TheatreNovember 17, 2017There is little danger of shooting your eye out when seeing Fulton Theatre's production of A Christmas Story. Instead, there is a great chance of having your socks knocked off! This show is a lot of fun, featuring some amazingly talented kids.
BWW Review: SWEENEY TODD at Ephrata Performing Arts CenterOctober 28, 2017Sean Young and Bobbi Bear play Sweeney Todd and his partner in crime, Mrs Lovett. Young's singing and speaking voice has a clear deep register that is especially adept in expressing menace. Bear's voice and demeanor is complimentary with a more energetic, bubbly quality. The pair have good chemistry together.
Take It or Leave It, But Don't Try to Change ItSeptember 17, 2017When was the last time you rented a car? Did Hertz immediately swap keys for your credit card, no questions asked? I doubt it. Instead, I bet you had to first initial and sign a substantial amount of paperwork.
BWW Review: DOUBT at the Ephrata Performing Arts CenterSeptember 8, 2017A long time ago, my drama professor told me that 'the surest sign of a good play is that you leave the theater thinking about something other than where you parked your car'. This particular quote nicely summarizes the strengths of Doubt, playing through September 16th at the Ephrata Performing Arts Center.