BWW Review: MA RAINEY'S BLACK BOTTOM at TRT is a Must-See ShowSeptember 28, 2016Start the fall theater season off right. Get your tickets for August Wilson's Ma Rainey's Black Bottom now at Two River Theater through October 9th. The superb direction of Ruben Santiago-Hudson along with a stellar cast makes it a must-see production.
BWW Review: THE BIRDS at 59E59 is a Standout ThrillerSeptember 19, 2016The NYC premiere of The Birds is onstage at 59E59 Theaters now through October 1st. It is written by the celebrated playwright, Conor McPherson and directed by Stefan Dzeparoski as part of 1st Irish Festival. The play is a fascinating, outstanding adaptation of Daphne du Maurier's spine tingling novellete about flocks of birds and seabirds that attack a community.
RED VELVET at STNJ is Brilliant and Important TheatreSeptember 15, 2016'Red Velvet,' is now onstage at The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey through September 25th. This important and brilliant piece of theatre is written by Lolita Chakrabarti, directed by Bonnie Monte and features a stellar cast.
BWW Review: BEARS IN SPACE at 59e59 is Madcap Fun at 59E59September 14, 2016Hilarity abounds at Bears in Space, the zany, captivating show currently at 59E59 Theaters through October 2nd. Directed by Dan Colley and featuring a talented cast, this theatrical event combines puppetry and storytelling techniques in perfect measure.
BWW Review: MAESTRO at 59E59 is an Inspired and Enthralling ProductionSeptember 12, 2016'Maestro,' starring Hershey Felder as the musical legend, Leonard Bernstein will be performed at 59E59 Theaters through October 16th. Directed by Joel Zwick, this is a production that is enthralling from beginning to end. Get your tickets. It is sure to sell out.
BWW Review: LAS CRUCES at Premiere Stages is Outstanding TheatreSeptember 6, 2016Premiere Stages at Kean University is now presenting 'Las Cruces' through September 18th. This thought provoking piece of theatre is written by Vincent Delaney and has inspired direction by the theatre's founding producing artistic director, John Wooton.
BWW Interview: Brad Zimmerman and MY SON THE WAITER at GSP 9/8 to 10/2September 2, 2016'My Son the Waiter: A Jewish Tragedy' is a hilarious and inspiring story about the grit and passion required to 'make it' as an artist. Written and performed by Brad Zimmerman, the hit comedy is coming to New Brunswick's George Street Playhouse for a four-week engagement from September 8 through October 2. The show, which has captivated audiences nationwide, is part standup and part theatrical.