BWW Reviews: A TUNA CHRISTMAS at ArtsWestDecember 16, 2010Those wacky residents from Tuna, TX are back to spread a little holiday cheer as ArtsWest presents "A Tuna Christmas". And while the show had moments of absolute hilarity, it was really only half a good show.

BWW Reviews: A CHRISTMAS STORY: THE MUSICAL at the 5th Avenue TheatreDecember 13, 2010The 5th Avenue Theatre is presenting a brand new addition to holiday theater offerings with the new adaptation of the classic 1983 film, "A Christmas Story: The Musical". And while half the show harkened fond memories of the film and left me with a wonderful sense of hope for this new piece of musical theater, the other half fell into old familiar musical traps and left me wanting as it shot its eye out.
In case you haven't seen the movie that is shown incessantly over the holiday season (sometimes for 24 hour periods nonstop) here's a brief rundown. We follow the quest of young Ralphie Parker as he plots and schemes to convince his parents (and Santa) to get him the best Christmas present in the world, a Red Ryder 200 Shot Carbine Action Air Rifle. The problem is he keeps running into obstacles of his Mother, his teacher and even Santa as they warn him away from the gift with the familiar, "You'll shoot your eye out." But Ralphie is tenacious and will have his prize. Meanwhile we also get to know the rest of the Parkers and their neighbors as we dive into the world of story originator Jean Shepherd. Complete with bullies, major awards and triple dog dares, the story harkens back to a simpler time when the biggest thing kids had to worry about was what Santa was bringing them.
The show itself is a charmer with book by Joseph Robinette who manages to keep the feel of the original material intact and still hits all the points and jokes that have become so familiar. The problem I ran into was with the songs. As I said, half of the show worked great. Act One was filled with wonderful tuners that captured the tone perfectly. And composers/lyricists Benj Pasek and Justin Paul seemed to show that someone understands the structure of musical theater. The songs were either perfect for moving the story along or emphasizing through song what a character couldn't do any other way. And the songs "Ralphie to the Rescue" and "A Major Award" were both complete show stoppers and crucial to the story. Then we hit Act Two and suddenly it was like a completely different writing team as the songs ceased being essential as every single moment in the play got one right up to the end. So many superfluous numbers that could have been forsaken for just telling the story weighed down the second half until it finally ended with a whimper of exhaustion.
The cast however is superb and has the perfect style for the period. Clarke Hallum plays the scheming Ralphie and even though he was a bit presentational at times, his voice is right up there with any of the adults on stage. Anne Allgood is endearingly lovely as Ralphie's Mother and her moment in Act Two where she covers for Ralphie had me in tears. Frank Corrado is spot on as the narrator Jean Shepherd as he weaves this wonderful tale for us in the guise of a radio drama. And special kudos to John Bolton as Ralphie's "Old Man" who practically steals the show with is antics and especially with his overly zealous "Major Award" number.
With a gorgeous set from Walt Spangler and costumes that look like they were transported right from the movie by Elizabeth Hope Clancy, this show could have been the new theatrical holiday standard by which all of the "Elf"s, and "Grinch"s would be judged. I only wish the writers had realized what they were doing so right in the first half and could have kept it up in the second.
"A Christmas Story: The Musical" plays at the 5th Avenue Theatre through December 30th. For tickets or information contact the 5th Avenue Box Office at 206-625-1900 or toll free at 888-5TH-4TIX (584-4849) or visit them online at
Photo Credit: Chris Bennion
BWW Reviews: HAM FOR THE HOLIDAYS at Theatre Off JacksonDecember 12, 2010Lisa Koch and Peggy Platt are back once again this holiday season with the tenth installment of their irreverent Christmas show, "Ham for the Holidays: Wham Bam, Thank You Ham!" And if you think you've seen everything these comedic mavens have to offer then you don't know pork!
BWW Reviews: HAIR at the ParamountNovember 29, 2010Seattle's Paramount Theatre is currently letting the sun shine in with the national tour of the Tony Award winning revival of the 60's rock musical "Hair". And while I've never been a fan of the show that much before, I can tell you that with this production I left the theater with what I can only describe as a theatrical contact high.
BWW Reviews: VESTAL VIRGINS at Theater SchmeaterNovember 28, 2010Theater Schmeater is currently presenting a departure from the typical holiday fare with the World Premiere of local playwright Marcy Rodenborn's tale of middle aged punkstresses making a comeback, "Vestal Virgins". The show, while not groundbreaking, is a fresh, funny and wicked twist on a typical plot device as only Schmeater and Rodenborn can deliver.
BWW Reviews: THE FULL MONTY at Village TheatreNovember 21, 2010Village Theatre launches its 2010-2011 season with the beefcake musical comedy, "The Full Monty". And while the performers in the show have wonderful and rich voices, the show lacked any kind of energy, pace and heart.
BWW Reviews: DANCING AT LUGHNASA at the Seattle RepNovember 18, 2010The Seattle Rep is currently presenting Brian Friel's Irish familial saga, "Dancing at Lughnasa". And while the show has some lovely moments, the play as a whole seemed sluggish and uneven.
BWW Reviews: WITTENBERG from Seattle Shakespeare CompanyNovember 17, 2010Seattle Shakespeare Company is currently coupling their powerhouse production of "Hamlet" with an amusing look into Hamlet's college days with "Wittenberg" by David Davalos. And while it may not pack the punch of the main event it is a smart and funny view into the formation of the attitudes of the young prince.
BWW Reviews: ANNE OF GREEN GABLES at Village TheatreNovember 12, 2010Village Theatre is presenting a new musical production of the classic Lucy Maud Montgomery novel, "Anne of Green Gables". This new production stemmed from a prior workshop of the show featured in Village Original's Festival of New Musicals from 2009. And the full staging of this show only leads me to the question, "Why?"
BWW Reviews: Day 2 – AFTER THE REVOLUTIONNovember 11, 2010Well, Dear Readers, here it is. The long awaited Day 2. The first part of the day was just getting settled in and hanging out with a friend. And then I went and saw my only show of the day. So let's jump in.
BWW Reviews: Day 3 – WOMEN ON THE VERGE OF A NERVOUS BREAKDOWNNovember 6, 2010Greetings Dear Readers from New York. It's Day 3 here and I'm having a wonderful time. Now I know what you're thinking. "Day 3?! Whatever happened to Day 2?"No you haven't missed an installment. Day 2 is going to have to be delayed until next week but I assure you it will come. The show I saw on Day 2 has not officially opened yet and out of respect, we cannot publish reviews of shows still in previews. The play is "After the Revolution" and it opens next week. I apologize for the confusion on that one. But on to Day 3.
BWW Reviews: Day 1 – LA BETE / THE SCOTTSBORO BOYSNovember 4, 2010So, dear readers, I know you're used to me writing about all things Seattle Theater related but I'm currently out on my pilgrimage to Mecca (as it were) visiting New York to see some of the new shows (both on and off Broadway) they have to offer.
BWW Reviews: THE SCARLET LETTER at the Intiman TheatreOctober 31, 2010Seattle's Intiman Theatre is closing out their main stage season with the adaptation of Nathaniel Hawthorne's classic morality tale, "The Scarlet Letter". In "The Scarlet Letter" the letter in question is an "A" but with this production I can really only give it a C-.
BWW Reviews: HAMLET from Seattle Shakespeare CompanyOctober 30, 2010Seattle Shakespeare Company launches their 20th anniversary season with the uber-Shakespeare classic, "Hamlet". I'll admit I was hesitant to go see it. "Yet another production of 'Hamlet'." But, this production with its "less is more" mentality is a near note perfect production and one to be remembered for years to come.
BWW Reviews: THREE TALL WOMEN at the Seattle RepOctober 28, 2010The Seattle Rep continues their season with Edward Albee's gorgeous study of one woman's life with "Three Tall Women". And while the production definitely had some shortcomings, there were some powerhouse performances that went a long way in making up for them.
BWW Reviews: RED LIGHT WINTER from AzeotropeOctober 23, 2010Emerging theater company Azeotrope is presenting their debut production with Adam Rapp's Pulitzer nominated play, "Red Light Winter". And while I'm not sure how I feel about the play itself, I know how I feel about the production, excited by the engaging performances and thrilled that there's another new company out there willing to take on new and different works.
BWW Reviews: THE LIEUTENANT OF INISHMORE at ACTOctober 22, 2010Seattle's ACT is presenting Martin McDonagh's bloody Tony Award nominated play, "The Lieutenant of Inishmore". And if you're looking for a darkly (and I mean DARK) hysterical little story about IRA rejects torturing prisoners, assassination attempts and the murder of beloved pet cats, then this could be the show for you.
BWW Reviews: EVIL DEAD: THE MUSICAL at ArtsWestOctober 21, 2010ArtsWest continues its streak of Seattle premieres with their current production of "Evil Dead: The Musical". And while the show can use a little tightening up, it's still a bloody good time … literally!