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Jay Irwin - Page 26

Jay Irwin

         Born and raised in Seattle, WA, Jay has been a theater geek for years.  He attends as many shows as he can around the country and loves taking in new exciting works.  

Three-letter rating system on each review is as follows.  They range from best to worst as WOW (A can’t miss), YAY (Too damn good), MEH+ (Good, with some great things going for it), MEH (Just OK), NAH (You can miss this one) and WTF (I think you can figure out my complex code there).

Jay is also an actor in the local Seattle scene.  Follow me on Twitter @SeattleBdwyGeek or on Threads @jdirwin14 or BlueSky Social at  You can also check me out in my web series "The Gamers: The Shadow Menace" available on Amazon Prime.


First Show:

First big show I saw here in Seattle was either 42nd Street or Hello Dolly with Carol Channing. Not sure which one was first. First Broadway show on Broadway was the original cast of Spamalot. Great way to start off my Broadway experiences especially since I hung by theb stage door (back when we could do that) and meet the entire cast.

Favorite Show:

Little Shop of Horrors

Favorite Stories:

BWW Review: Café Nordo's TO SAVOR TOMORROW Flies High with Laughs
BWW Review: Café Nordo's TO SAVOR TOMORROW Flies High with Laughs
April 8, 2016

Ladies and Gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts, put your tray tables and seat backs in the upright position and hang on as Cafe Nordo presents an evening of fun and food with their 60's spy send up, "To Savor Tomorrow". And as usual with the Cafe Nordo shows, if the laughs weren't enough for you then the delectable food will be.

BWW Review: Sweet Gay RomCom with THE HAT at Gay City
BWW Review: Sweet Gay RomCom with THE HAT at Gay City
April 3, 2016

Romantic comedies for the straight community abound. But as they say in the current production from Gay City Arts and The Bitter Single Guy Productions, "The Hat", gay stories aren't told much unless they involve AIDS or civil rights. This is what makes "The Hat" so refreshing. It's a simple, cute romantic comedy about a newly single guy in his thirties suddenly trying to date in this modern world of hookup apps and he just happens to be gay. And while the story wandered a bit the dialog is crisp and fresh and the characters could not be more likable and relatable.

BWW Reviews: Stellar Performances but No Story in 5th Ave's A NIGHT WITH JANIS JOPLIN
BWW Reviews: Stellar Performances but No Story in 5th Ave's A NIGHT WITH JANIS JOPLIN
April 1, 2016

I'll admit to only a passing familiarity with Janis Joplin before I saw the current show at the 5th Avenue Theatre, “A Night with Janis Joplin”, in that I knew who she was but was hard pressed to come up with any of her songs. Of course, after seeing the show I found I knew more of her stuff than I thought, I just didn't know it was her. And while Kacee Clanton as Janis is quite a sight to see not to mention the other incredible women she has up there with her, the show as a whole doesn't know what it wants to be. Is it a biography, a rock concert, a history of blues? Who can say? But what I can say is that the connecting dialog attempting some kind of through line for the show was at best boring and at worst forced and embarrassing.

BWW Review: Seattle Rep's BROWNSVILLE SONG Hits No Good Notes
BWW Review: Seattle Rep's BROWNSVILLE SONG Hits No Good Notes
March 31, 2016

It's all well and good to want to shine a spotlight on urban violence and inner city gangs through entertainment (theater, film, TV, etc.). It gets the issues out there in the hopes that something might get changed. But as it's been done time and time before, if you're going tell another one of these kinds of stories then have something new to say and tell it well. Unfortunately the current production at the Seattle Rep, "brownsville song (b-side for tray)" fails in both respects with bad writing, bad direction and bad performances amounting to a show that felt it was important but came across as cliche.

BWW Review: Local Jewell's LILIES Lacks Levels
BWW Review: Local Jewell's LILIES Lacks Levels
March 28, 2016

As you may know by now, Dear Readers, one of my pet peeves in any performance is the lack of levels. If you don't vary your emotion, intent and delivery for a character then that character might as well just be reading lines from a book. And while there were a few stand outs in the current production of "Lilies or the Revival of a Romantic Drama" from Local Jewell Productions, for the most part the lack of levels made the show monotonously drone on.

BWW Review: Gripping Vulnerability in MAP's BELLEVILLE
BWW Review: Gripping Vulnerability in MAP's BELLEVILLE
March 28, 2016

MAP Theatre may not be one of the most prolific companies out in Seattle. In fact they tend to do only one or two shows a year. But what we have come to expect from them is certainly more quality than quantity as they invest tremendous amounts of thought and talent into those few shows. Their latest offering, Amy Herzog's "Belleville" currently playing at 12th Ave Arts is no exception. What looks to be a simple relationship drama, when viewed through the lens of the folks at MAP, quickly evolves into a taut psychological thriller.

BWW Review: An Underdone Gem Shines with Seattle Shake's MRS. WARREN'S PROFESSION
BWW Review: An Underdone Gem Shines with Seattle Shake's MRS. WARREN'S PROFESSION
March 24, 2016

When people think of George Bernard Shaw plays they inevitably go to "Pygmalion" or "Arms and the Man" or something like that. But there's one of his out there that does not see enough of the light of day, "Mrs. Warren's Profession". Maybe it's due to the subject matter or maybe not enough people know about it. Who knows? But it's long been one of my personal favorites so when I saw that Seattle Shakespeare Company was putting it up; you can imagine how excited I was. But of course the cynic in me quickly turned that excitement to trepidation with the thoughts of "Oh please don't screw up one of the few times this show will be done around here." Well lucky for me and for all you Dear Readers, who should rush out and catch this before it's gone, the Seattle Shakespeare Company does absolute honor to this fantastic work with some tight direction from Victor Pappas and performances to rival any production out there (yes, including the one I saw in New York a few years back).

BWW Review: Kevin Kent Gives a Hilarious and Heartfelt EULOGY at West of Lenin
BWW Review: Kevin Kent Gives a Hilarious and Heartfelt EULOGY at West of Lenin
March 20, 2016

Working through the grief of the loss of a loved one is never easy. Luckily Eleanor Mae (Kevin Kent) is on hand to help us through the grief. To help us cry, to help us process and yes, to help us laugh in the fantastic new show "Eulogy" at West of Lenin. But this is not your ordinary riff on loss as it's our loved ones Eleanor is keeping us laughing about until our faces hurt.

BWW Review: Touching MY HEART IS THE DRUM at Village Suffers Pace and Structure
BWW Review: Touching MY HEART IS THE DRUM at Village Suffers Pace and Structure
March 18, 2016

One of my favorite events each year is the Village Originals Festival of New Musicals. Each year there's at least one new show that you long to get a full staging. Back in 2014 that show was "My Heart is the Drum" with it's touching story and engaging music. It showed so much potential and I was thrilled when I saw it on the season lineup this season. And while it still shows a lot of promise it still needs a lot of work to make it a tighter narrative and paced better.

BWW Review: Powerful PARADE from Sound Theatre Company
BWW Review: Powerful PARADE from Sound Theatre Company
March 14, 2016

In any given show you usually have the good guys and the bad guys. The people you identify with as being in the right and those in the wrong. But even when some people are clearly wrong it's possible to see why they react the way they do if the performances are strong enough. Such is the case with Sound Theatre Company's current production of “Parade” as the performances throughout are so clear and so strong that even those doing despicable and abhorrent things can seem reasonable, at least within their own ideologies.

BWW Review: Technically Superior VIOLET at ArtsWest Lacks Emotional Connection
BWW Review: Technically Superior VIOLET at ArtsWest Lacks Emotional Connection
March 14, 2016

There's no doubt that Jeanine Tesori's music in the musical "Violet", currently playing at ArtsWest, is stirring and powerful but it's the lyrics and book by Brian Crawley that truly pack the punch in the show. But of course they would as the show is rife with hot button topics of that era as well as our own. And while the ensemble manages some of the tightest and most technically proficient performances I've seen I didn't always get from them the importance or danger associated with the stakes of those issues and so didn't always feel the emotional connection to the story.

BWW Review: Killer Talent in 5th Ave/ACT's ASSASSINS
BWW Review: Killer Talent in 5th Ave/ACT's ASSASSINS
March 11, 2016

Only the incredible Stephen Sondheim could make a musical about Presidential assassins and make it work. It's a dark subject that you think wouldn't be sung about. But Sondheim shows off his storytelling prowess by creating a sort of club or group therapy aspect to the group of killers as they attempt to tie all their works together with the act of their most famous member. And while the cast of the current joint production from the 5th Avenue Theatre and ACT certainly has the talent to pull off this demanding show, they don't always feel cohesive or in the same club but hopefully as they settle in that will come.

BWW Review: Raw Examination of Social Work in LUNA GALE at Seattle Rep
BWW Review: Raw Examination of Social Work in LUNA GALE at Seattle Rep
March 10, 2016

Rebecca Gilman's play "Luna Gale" currently performing at the Seattle Rep has no good guys in it. But then it also has no bad guys in it. Instead of preaching morality or her own agenda what she's done is to present a raw and honest look at people. You may not agree with them, but are they wrong?

BWW Review: A Week at the Mothership Part 2 – The Biggest Surprise of the Trip
BWW Review: A Week at the Mothership Part 2 – The Biggest Surprise of the Trip
March 10, 2016

OK I'm back and let's just dive right in for the rest of the amazing shows I saw in New York.

BWW Review: A Week at the Mothership Part 1 - Caught Some Amazing Shows Including You-Know-Who
BWW Review: A Week at the Mothership Part 1 - Caught Some Amazing Shows Including You-Know-Who
March 10, 2016

Dear Readers, I'm back from the Mothership (New York of course) to let you all in on some of the wonderful and not so wonderful things I saw with a few brief notes on each. And yes that includes my catching the juggernaut of all shows on Broadway right now, 'Hamilton'. Now there are some shows that I saw that are still in previews so I can't really review them but wanted to let you know about them anyway. So let's start at the top.

BWW Review: AN OAK TREE Comes to Life While SEAGULLs Bemoan It at the Seattle Fringe Festival
BWW Review: AN OAK TREE Comes to Life While SEAGULLs Bemoan It at the Seattle Fringe Festival
February 29, 2016

A play where only half the cast knows the story and a trio of snarky seagulls who are rife with tragedy. These are just a few of the offerings from the 2016 Seattle Fringe Festival performing all over town this weekend and next. Now I wasn't able to catch everything this weekend and next week I'll be bringing you some fantastic goings on in New York but for now I wanted to let you in on the few shows I did see.

BWW Review: Riveting Twists from Seattle Immersive's ROMEO + JULIET
BWW Review: Riveting Twists from Seattle Immersive's ROMEO + JULIET
February 22, 2016

I'll be honest, there were several elements that gave me trepidation before seeing Seattle Immersive Theatre's current production of “Romeo + Juliet” the other night. The immersive nature of it (seems to be the resurging trend and not always done well), the idea of tromping around an abandoned storefront, and the fact that while I love Shakespeare's “Romeo + Juliet” I've never actually seen a production I truly liked just to name a few. But all my fears were soon dashed as I entered a superbly crafted realm housing the best production of the play I have ever seen and culminating in a theatrical experience I'll remember for years to come.

BWW Review: Solidly Talented Fluff in Seattle Musical Theatre's Fun 9 TO 5
BWW Review: Solidly Talented Fluff in Seattle Musical Theatre's Fun 9 TO 5
February 22, 2016

There are certain theatrical experiences out there that are your "vegetables". The shows that make you think about your life, choices, and the world around you. And then there are shows like "9 to 5: The Musical" which are basically dessert. Those fun bits of fluff that aren't going to change your world but make for a yummy, candy coated evening. Sure there's a bit of 1980's women's lib sprinkled on top but it's still just mostly fluff. Luckily the current production from Seattle Musical Theatre is fluff loaded with talent and a hell of a good time.

BWW Review: BUZZER at ACT Feels Overly Self Important
BWW Review: BUZZER at ACT Feels Overly Self Important
February 6, 2016

It's one thing when a play is meaningful and important, something most plays strive for. It's another thing when a play tries to be meaningful and important. And it's yet another thing when a play insists that it's meaningful and important. Unfortunately Tracey Scott Wilson's play 'Buzzer', currently playing at ACT, falls squarely into that second camp and teeters to fall into the third.

BWW Review: 5th Ave Proves It Knows HOW TO SUCCEED …
BWW Review: 5th Ave Proves It Knows HOW TO SUCCEED …
February 5, 2016

Dear Reader (It only seems appropriate to start this review off with that), sometimes a show comes along that feels like a no brainer. A show that's fairly bulletproof and if a theater does it well enough with enough pieces in place then it'll be a crowd pleaser. 'How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying' is one of those shows. You're bound to walk away from it with something you enjoyed. Which brings me to the current production at the 5th Avenue Theatre. They've managed to take this pleaser of a show so far beyond the bare minimum making this gem shine with so much brilliance that you may need sunglasses.

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