Review: NATASHA, PIERRE, AND THE GREAT COMET OF 1812 at Cygnet TheatreApril 16, 2024“Natasha, Pierre, and The Great Comet of 1812” now playing at Cygnet Theatre is a maximalist electro-pop opera immersive musical dream, with a superb cast, and wonderful choreography, it will leave you dazzled. “Natasha, Pierre, and The Great Comet of 1812” is running through May 19th.
Review: This is One 'RIDE' You Don't Want To Miss at The Old GlobeApril 9, 2024“Ride” at The Old Globe is an incredibly fun, clever, and wholly entertaining musical about a woman who chased the American Dream around the world from the back of a bicycle. This musical is a delightful fun two-handed, one-act musical that may inspire you to go find adventure yourself. “Ride” is now playing at The Old Globe through April 28th.
Review: Self-Respect and Sandwiches are on the Menu at CLYDE'S at MOXIE TheatreFebruary 25, 2024Welcome to CLYDE’S, where the art of making a sandwich can lead to enlightenment. Staffed by formerly incarcerated people trying to rebuild their lives, but run by someone who has no real internet in food, or their employees beyond making the sale, this play has something to say about the work to build a better life, self-respect, and of course, the perfect sandwich.
Review: FUN HOME at New Village ArtsFebruary 19, 2024FUN HOME will make you laugh and might make you cry, but this nuanced musical features some excellent performances by a talented cast. FUN HOME is playing at New Village Arts through March 3rd.
Review: THE AGE OF INNOCENCE at The Old GlobeFebruary 19, 2024THE AGE OF INNOCENCE is a gorgeously sumptuous and lush production full of beautiful people, costumes, and lighting, as it explores the true cost of keeping up appearances. THE AGE OF INNOCENCE is playing at The Old Globe Theatre through March 10th.
Review: LADY DAY AT EMERSON'S BAR AND GRILL at Cygnet TheatreFebruary 2, 2024Billie Holiday is a superstar jazz musician though often her tremendous talent is sometimes eclipsed by the more sensational exploits of her life. LADY DAY AT EMERSON’S BAR AND GRILL, now playing at Cygnet Theatre through February 18th, invites you to a cozy neighborhood bar, to enjoy the vocal stylings of the marvelous Lady Day in 1959 and learn more about her life in this intimate portrait of a gifted jazz musician.
Review: ENGLISH at The Old GlobeFebruary 2, 2024ENGLISH is a funny and contemplative play written by Sanaz Toossi that explores the vulnerability, and determination, of adults of a variety of ages in Iran who are learning English. ENGLISH is playing at The Old Globe through February 25th.
Review: Love, Loss, And Lace - INTIMATE APPAREL at North Coast Repertory TheatreJanuary 15, 2024INTIMATE APPAREL is a beautiful and detailed production that allows its cast to shine as it explores the hopes and dreams of a seamstress who dreams of more from her life and the risks and rewards of pursuing those dreams. INTIMATE APPAREL is now playing at the North Coast Repertory Theatre through February 4th.