Boxcar Theatre Presents 'RENT BOY AVE: A FAIRY'S TALE' 7/16 - 8/9April 5, 2009Artistic Director, Nick A. Olivero, has tapped into a desperate and titillating underground in the world-premiere urban rock musical Rent Boy Ave.: A Fairy's Tale. Closing Boxcar's 2008-2009 season themed 'fairy tales' the story follows David, a new kid to the street, and Mark, a veteran of male prostitution at the early age of seventeen. The two of them struggle to survive a nasty world littered with innocent looking old men with an indecent taboo sensibility, sharp pangs of irreconcilable hunger and a bible-thumping fishnet-wearing nun. As a modern day Hansel and Gretel, they navigate their way through dangerous alleys and pal around with Jackie, a Little Red Riding Hood-like prostitute fighting a drug addiction to meth with a big bad wolf pimp who won't let her go. However, it doesn't take long for David to slip down the rabbit's hole and start selling drugs and eventually conspire with Jackie to kill her pimp. Mark, on the other hand, becomes engrossed by the fairy godmother nun, Sister Mercy, and escapes the embittered streets to a destiny unknown.
'GUYS & DOLLS' Bierko Featured on The Huffington PostApril 5, 2009Guys and Dolls star Craig Bierko speaks with Brad Balfour on The Huffington Post about bringing the snazzy tales of Damon Runyon's Depression-era short stories to life on the Broadway stage in the new revival of the classic musical.
ROCK OF AGES Featured in The New York TimesApril 5, 2009ROCK OF AGES, the new 'headbanging' musical currently in previews at the Brooks Aktinson is featured in an insightful feature in The New York Times. The Times article details the 'rock n' roll' history of the musical as the writers spend time with the writer of the production, Chris D'Arienzo and 'ROCK' director Kristin Hanggi.
Theo Ubique Theatre's EVITA Extended Thru 5/31April 4, 2009Theo Ubique Theatre Co. is proud to announce that EVITA is extended through May 31, 2009! The hit production is playing to sold-out shows and tickets go fast. Theo Ubique, known for its trademark 'cabaret theatre' has been wowing audiences with the Andrew Lloyd Webber's evocative rock opera, Evita. We invite you to return to the poignant music and story of Eva Peron, seen through the eye of the revolutionary, Ché Guevara!
HAIR the Musical Featured on CBS 'Sunday Morning' 4/5April 4, 2009On Sunday, April 5th, HAIR the Musical will be featured on CBS 'Sunday Morning.' CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric will speak with the creators and cast of the Broadway revival as they discuss the past and future of the classic musical with a message that still packs an emotional punch.
Lyrics & Lyricists' SUNNY SIDE UP 'Served' At 92nd Street Y 4/4-4/6April 4, 2009The 92nd Street Y continues the 2009 season of Lyrics & Lyricists with SUNNY SIDE UP, featuring the Lennon/McCartney of their time, DeSylva, Brown & Henderson. Subtitled 'Roaring through the Twenties,' the show focuses on the megastar songwriting team of Prohibition-Era Tin Pan Alley who turned out hits like 'You're the Cream in My Coffee,' 'Button Up Your Overcoat,' 'The Best Things in Life Are Free' and the definitive college musical, Good News.
'Narsai Toast' Raises 4.7 Million for Berkeley RepApril 4, 2009Press release notes declared there were 'cheers and applause mingled with fond farewells - and a few tears - when 400 guests raised their glasses at the end of the 17th annual Narsai Toast. The cheers were a response to the announcement that, in a single evening, these gourmands had raised more than $440,000 to support the Tony Award-winning Berkeley Repertory Theatre. The tears were prompted by the realization that, after nearly two decades of creating exceptional culinary events for the Theatre that raised more than $4.7 million, Narsai David has stepped off the podium of his eponymous event for the final time'.
Paul Weitz In Talks to Direct 'LITTLE FOCKERS'April 4, 2009Variety is reporting that 'About a Boy' director Paul Weitz is in talks to direct 'Little Fockers', the third instalment of the 'Meet the Parents' franchise. 'Get Smart' helmer Pete Segal was in talks to direct 'Little Fockers' but it now looks as if Weitz is the front runner.