"Barefoot in the Park" is a charming and witty romantic comedy by Neil Simon that captures the essence of newlywed life in New York City. The story follows Paul and Corie Bratter, a young couple adjusting to married life in their tiny, fifth-floor walk-up apartment. Paul is a straight-laced attorney, while Corie is a free-spirited optimist, leading to humorous and heartfelt moments as they navigate their differences. With delightful characters, including Corie's eccentric mother and their quirky neighbor, "Barefoot in the Park" explores the trials and triumphs of love, marriage, and the compromises that come with them. This timeless classic promises laughter, warmth, and a touching reminder of the joys and challenges of building a life together.
Merely Players Presents is at 3770 Central Avenue, Doraville, GA 30340, Doraville, GA.
Holiday Play - Let Nothing You Dismay (12/7/24-12/21/24)
ShakesBEER! (10/31/24-10/31/24)
Anna in the Tropics - English & Spanish (8/16/24-9/15/24)
Anna in the Tropics (8/16/24-8/25/24)
Good People (5/10/24-5/26/24)
Gloria (4/12/24-4/28/24)
Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery (2/23/24-3/10/24)
Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery by Ken Ludwig (2/23/24-3/10/24)
Winter VibeZ: 2023 (12/7/23-12/17/23)
The AI Chronicles (11/9/23-11/12/23)
Tiny Beautiful Things
Authenticity Theater (1/16 - 1/25)
| ||
The Everly Set - A Celebration of The Everly Brothers
Earl and Rachel Smith Strand Theatre (1/19 - 1/19) | ||
Ain't Too Proud (Non-Equity)
RiverCenter for the Performing Arts [Heard Theatre] (6/3 - 6/3) | ||
Duck Hunter Shoots Angel
CenterStage North Theatre (5/9 - 5/17) | ||
Jazz Talk with Trey Wright: Beyond Category: The Music of Duke Ellington
Earl and Rachel Smith Strand Theatre (5/15 - 5/15) | ||
Rainforest Adventures
Center For Puppetry Arts (3/5 - 3/16) | ||
Rock of Ages
Bellissimo Theatre (2/7 - 2/23) | ||
Hello, Dolly!
Forsyth County Arts and Learning Center (FoCAL) (2/27 - 3/9) | ||
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