The new musical based on the motion picture "Leap of Faith," produced by Paramount Pictures Corporation and written by Janus Cercone, will begin previews on Tuesday, April 3. LEAP OF FAITH stars four-time Tony nominee Raúl Esparza as Jonas Nightingale, Jessica Phillips as Marla Humes, Kendra Kassebaum as Sam Nightingale, Kecia Lewis-Evans as Ida Mae Robinson, Leslie Odom, Jr. as Isaiah Robinson, Krystal Joy Brown as Ornella and Talon Ackerman as Jake Humes. The production will open on April 26 at 6pm.
The cast also features Hettie Barnhill, Kyle Brenn, Ta'Rea Campbell, Michelle Duffy, Lynorris Evans, Manoly Farrell, Dierdre Friel, Bob Gaynor, Lucia Giannetta, Angela Grovey, Louis Hobson, Tiffany Howard, Grasan Kingsberry, Maurice Murphy, Ian Paget, Terita Redd, Eliseo Roman, Bryce Ryness, Ann Sanders, C.E. Smith, Danny Stiles, Dennis Stowe, Betsy Struxness, Roberta Wall, and Virginia Ann Woodruff.
Broadway's LEAP OF FAITH is based on the motion picture Leap of Faith, produced by Paramount Pictures Corporation and written by Janus Cercone. Directed by Tony Award nominee Christopher Ashley with choreography by Sergio Trujillo, LEAP OF FAITH features music by Academy and Grammy Award-winner Alan Menken, a book by Janus Cercone and Tony Award-winner Warren Leight, lyrics by Glenn Slater, and music supervision by Michael Kosarin. The design will feature scenery by Robin Wagner, costumes by William Ivey Long, lighting by Don Holder, sound by John Shivers, wigs & hair design by Paul Huntley, and make up by Angelina Avallone. The music will feature orchestrations by Michael Starobin and Joseph Joubert, vocal & incidental music arrangements by Michael Kosarin, dance music arrangements by Zane Mark, and music direction by Brent-Alan Huffman.
Photo Credit: Jennifer Broski
Leap of Faith Marquee
Leap of Faith Marquee