The Broadway Boys are taking their show across the country. But they thought before they took off they would dedicate a show to the most important women in their lives...their mothers.
They have created a fantastic show of Broadway tunes for their Joe's Pub debut with some brand new arrangements and some of their "classics" to be performed at this special matinee concert. The concert will feature the talents of Michael James Scott (Hair, Jersey Boys), Maurice Murphy (...Spelling Bee), Marty Thomas (Wicked, Xanadu), Danny Calvert (Altar Boyz), and the Broadway Boys founder and Artistic Director Jesse Nager (Mary Poppins, Mamma Mia). Music Direction by Justin Paul.
Brunch with the Broadway Boys is set to take place on Sunday, May 10th at noon.Joe's Pub is located at 425 Lafayette, attached to the Public Theater.Admission is $20. All mother's receive a $5 discount when ordering tickets ahead of timeVideos