Three couples engage in Edward Albee’s trademark humorously wry, visceral banter at a party where the hostess happens to be dying. At the end of the first act a patrician woman claiming to be the dying woman’s mother arrives with a companion. Complications ensue. This is “The Lady from Dubuque,” presented by Muddy Waters Theatre Company, June 12-28 at the Kranzberg Art Center in the Big Brother Big Sisters Building in Grand Center.
The comedy/mystery is the second in the “Mothers and Other Strangers” season of Albee plays for 2009 and is directed by Muddy Waters’ co-founder Cameron Ulrich. It features a cast of St. Louis actors known for their talent and versatility, including Emily Baker, Sarah Cannon, G.P. Hunsaker, Robert A. Mitchell, Todd Pieper, Josh Thomas, Patty Ulrich and Kirsten Wylder.Videos