In my Theatre Histories class, we’ve explored the era of Romanticism and how it affected the theatre of its time. It’s fitting to discuss this genre during Valentine’s Day, of all months. Of course, romanticism isn’t necessarily about romantic love.
Rather, it’s about experience and connecting through nature. It’s the idea of going on adventures and that our purpose on this earth is to explore. The more life experiences we gain, the more informed our art and our lives will be. Victor Hugo, an author of some very popular works that were later adapted into very popular musicals, was a big part of this movement.
At the same time we were learning about this, I talked to someone about advice for young directors and was told that schools can only offer you so much, what’s left after the basics is your own life experience.
And thus, I began to spiral.
What do we define as life experience today? Are we still romantics? Do we still believe that ‘life experience’ comes from dashing adventures and sharing quiet moments with nature? If that’s the case, then I have none. Or is it through tumultuous relationships straight out of a teen drama? Again, if that’s the case, I have none.
Our lives influence our art and our education. Who we are and what we have experienced up to this point influence what we add to class discussions and how we perceive issues. It influences how we consume art. Some people love one show that a majority of people don’t. I know there was a certain show last spring that impacted me like no other art before only to flop.
Now, I know I’m young. I have more life to experience. However, as a theatre student and young artist looking ahead to life post-grad, this worry sits in the pit of your stomach. My life experience, so far, has been work and school. Seems a little lifeless, no?
I have to remember though, that the romantics at the time were only wealthy, white, men. The world has changed in regards to what people are able to have adventures, so maybe my time will come. But I also don’t need to listen to everything they say.
I think there are some benefits to the thoughts of the romantics of times past. Connecting with nature, especially. The world we live in is highly digitalized. My already poor eyes are strained at the constant and inevitable use of screens. Having some adventure is important too, that way we aren’t stuck in the same mindless routine of work and school. A bit of spontaneity for the soul.
I think this illustrates the value of theatre histories. Not only does it help theatremakers understand the context of modern theatre, but we can also take bits and pieces of what has come before to help inform our work. ‘Life experience’ then versus ‘life experience’ now is different, and in some ways today it’s more freeing.