It's hard to avoid burnout.
Hey! College student here. It's finals season - but you probably already knew that. It's an incredibly stressful time for students, and easy to feel burned out. Though I can feel myself approaching exhaustion, I've been able to keep moving and working. Every student is different, so I'm not about to tell you "the" way to avoid running out of steam. We all have different responsibilities, and for some students the fatigue is unavoidable. With that in mind, below are some ways I've stayed inspired and determined.
I'm a type-A person, and staying organized is definitely my #1 way of keep calm and collected when assignment after assignment rolls in. I use two different calendars:
Bullet Journal - They're not for everyone, but any day planner works. My bullet journal carries my schedule, as well as a checklist of everything I need to do each day (homework, errands, etc.) I feel that little sense of accomplishment when I cross something off the list, and it keeps me going.
Google Calendar - Again, any online calendar will do. This calendar is specifically for due dates. When I hear of a new date, I add a reminder on the day it's due and delete the listing when I've turned it in (and if you're fancy like me, you can color-code your classes.)
I also pack my schoolbag and plan outfits the night before. It saves time in the morning; the time when I have the least amount of motivation. I'm definitely a night owl, so while I do my best to get to bed at a reasonable hour, it's worth it to me to spend a few extra minutes preparing for the next day.
Treating my body well is another important piece of the puzzle. Eat well, *not forgetting to* shower, and aim for as much sleep as possible. Obviously, sleep is a tall order right now. I myself average about 6 hours a night. Some get less and some more, but here is one universal tip. When it's time for bed, GO TO BED. I can waste hours scrolling on my phone, so I get the struggle. Pop some melatonin, put on your sleeping mask and turn on "10 hours of thunderstorms" (at least, that's what I do.) A real full night's sleep is almost never guaranteed, so appreciate however much you're allowed.
Of course, it doesn't hurt to think of life beyond finals. I get to go home for the summer in three weeks, and the countdown has begun. It's okay to be excited for summer break, but don't dwell too much on those thoughts. Home will always be there, so make the most of the little time you have left in school.
Remember, ten years from now you won't be thinking about how stressed you were for college finals. You'll be too busy with your successful career to even care.