Here are some hopes for my theatrical 2024.
Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! As the year comes to a close, I’d like to put out into the world some hopes for 2024.
This upcoming year, I want to direct more. I want to iron out a directing style that works for me. I also want to assistant direct more and learn from some professionals who have more experience in the field than I do.
I also want to act more. I want to make my resume more diverse and try out roles that I haven’t considered myself for in the past. I want to take risks in my acting and leave everything on the floor.
I want to build more confidence in my vocals. I have never been confident in my higher range, and I want to do more vocal exercises to strengthen it. I also want to learn more tips on keeping my voice healthy. As a singer, I haven’t always taken the best care of my voice, and I want to be better at that this year.
I also want to see more shows off Broadway. I see a lot of mainstream Broadway shows, but to want to see more shows I’ve never heard of so that I can diversify my theatre experiences even more.
I want to build more theatre into my summer. Whether I get cast in summerstock, do an internship, or do local theatre in my hometown, I want to give it my all. Odds are I’ll be working a survival job and living with my parents over the summer, so I want to keep as much theatre in my life as possible.
I also want to listen to more musical soundtracks that I haven’t heard yet. I want to broaden my horizons and not just listen to the same shows I did in 2023. I especially want to find more shows with diverse representation to listen to.
Speaking of representation, I want to fight for more representation of minorities in theatre this year. As someone who has a lot of marginalized identities, I want to bring my unique perspective to art more this year.
One of my biggest goals is to bring all of myself to my craft this year. I want to dive headfirst into all of my projects and really give all of myself to my work. I want to take risks in everything I do. I want my art to be bold and creative more than it’s ever been.
I also want to practice more self care while I practice my craft. I want to be totally present in every moment and work on myself as well as my art. I am going to remember to drink water, take my meds, and warm up before I start working.
This year is going to be my year, I can feel it. I hope that it’s your year too. As artists, our biggest support is each other. Let’s go into this year building each other up. I’m sending you all my love and best wishes for 2024. See you in the next post!