Student Blog: Behind the Table-Auditions
I've taken it upon myself to go into the trenches and gather intel for actors like you and me. This article will focus on auditions and callbacks, from an Asst. Director's POV. What are directors and casting teams looking for? What is the key to a successful audition?
Student Blog: Endings and Beginnings
The New Year is right around the corner and as per usual, I have absolutely zero idea what this year will have in store for me. Nevertheless, what I do know is that 2025 will be a year of major decisions and changes. Let’s dive in!
Student Blog: The Cure to Burnout is...
Ah, yes. Burnout. An inevitable part of any college kid's academic career. Burnout reveals itself in many ways; it can make every day activities seem impossible. So, how does one slay the demon that is burnout?
Student Blog: How I Got to Direct My Dream Show
It finally hit me— I called my mom to tell her that I was going to submit to direct Little Women, a musical of which I love and was familiar with because it was also my senior year musical in high school. I had a meeting with the E-Board to pitch my idea to them and I decided to make a proposal presentation including a vision board and a synopsis of the show. In late May, I got an email telling me that my show was chosen. I did it. I put my dreams into motion.