A reflective guide on how I am surviving the busy end of semester.
Isn’t it crazy just how quick the semester goes; it is hard to believe that it is almost already over. However, the end of the semester equates just to one thing – exams. Who even decided to burden the festivities of Christmas with the struggles of midterms and end-of-semester examinations? Exam season is quickly approaching and there is nothing we want more than to hide under our cozy blankets and pretend that this is not a reality. However, we could just accept our fate and crumble under pressure, or we can take the opportunity to strive and show everybody that our diligence and hard work has been worth it and use this stress and pressure as a strength to strive for success. Â
Exam season is truly here, and the examination timetable just makes everything more real. Maybe you even only discovered you had an exam today in one subject (We have all been there). However, this will act as a guide to perform to the best of your abilities under pressure and with the limited time that you have left. Remember, these exams are not a determining factor in your ability or right to be in education, rather it is one exam that intends to push your limits in your road to greatness.Â
It would be easy to say that you need to just put your head down and force the information in there (How many times have teachers said that they cannot make you learn the information). This simply is not viable as during examination season, more often than not, it is important to prioritise your own well-being and ensure that you look after yourself as harming yourself is not worth obtaining the top grades in the class. Thus, I will give some study advice that I have found helpful in the past.Â
To maximise learning, it is essential that you minimise the amount of time that you spend studying. Study smarter, not harder. For instance, I find that working for one good hour is much more effective than doing two or three hours with little information being obtained. Likewise, this is why breaks are beneficial. Breaks allow us to refresh and recharge before we commence again as once we get tired, as many people know, the smallest task seems impossible meaning that in no world could any productive study get done if we are left to work on little energy. Â
For me, I find verbally reciting the material you need to write essays quite beneficial, often I will give myself ten minutes to read over what I intend to cover in a session and then I will do my best to recite as much as possible. Then, I will practice writing it out. After this I will take some time away from the topic and then I will come back and see how much of this information has stuck. I find this method is particularly effective as it makes me aware of my weaknesses in various topics and it drives my attention to areas that need urgent attention. Â
Additionally, using resources like Quizlet helps to revise topics as you can make flashcards with key information for your exams on them. Additionally, you can play games using the flashcards that you have made. I find this particularly helpful and engaging as it brings fun into learning therefore it can turn a rather dreadful experience into a more enjoyable one. Â
Therefore, it is important to find a routine that works for you and your schedule to help you achieve all that you deserve. Exams can be tough, and it is important not to wear yourself down because of them. Remember one exam does not define you!! Your greatness does. Â