Aka: the reason the lights were on in your room so late last night.
One of the hallmarks of a true Broadway fan is annoying family members or roommates by singing the same songs in the dead of night from your bedroom. After years of this timeless practice, we're all bound to have our favorites-the ones that make us almost feel the stage lights on our skin and the thunderous applause of a rapt audience.
So, here is my advice for you based on the song that keeps waking up your sibling in the next room.
"Don't Cry for Me Argentina" from "Evita"
You're very ambitious, and while you expect reward and commendation for your achievements, it's all well-deserved. You're probably somewhat guarded around new people, but you open up more easily in front of a trusted few. Remember to allow time and space for yourself outside of your ambitions for self-care and reflection.
"I'm Here" from "The Color Purple"
You've been through a lot, but you've managed to stay optimistic despite it all. You know you have a lot to offer the world, and you've been either holding back or inhibited by some outside source from fulfilling your potential. Remember that you have everything within you that you need to succeed in life; you are enough, just as you are. Channel the energy of this song; go out and approach life with strength, patience, and kindness-not just for others, but toward yourself, too. Keep your eyes on the horizon, because you never know what's coming.
"Satisfied" from "Hamilton"
You're a wonderful friend: reassuring, reliable, and always willing to give advice. Part of you wishes you had someone like you in your own life to be supportive in the same way; not that you don't have a support system, but you wish more people around you had your sense of empathy and ability to anticipate your emotions in order to know the best way to help. You know others mean well, but people are rarely successful at completely cheering you up. You will find those people one day, but in the meantime, hold onto the friendships you do have that bring you happiness in other ways; also, try taking your own advice. Talk to yourself like your friend came to you with the same problem.
"Dust and Ashes" from "Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812"
While I'm sure (from experience) that ruminating on existential questions while listening to "folklore" by Taylor Swift can be cathartic, it might be best to step away from that for some time. Consider talking to a trusted friend or loved one, and just generally take steps for self-care. Do something that cheers you up, like revisiting a childhood hobby or indulging in an interest you've wanted to try for a while. There's no shame in setting aside time for things that are just fun, simply for the sake of enjoying yourself. (And by the way, if you're interested in existential questions but you're looking for something more lighthearted, I strongly suggest watching "The Good Place." You won't regret it.)
"She Used To Be Mine" from "Waitress"
They say you get more bees with honey, and while that's true, sometimes bees can sting. By this, I mean that you draw a lot of people in with your kindness and generosity, but it can be devastating when they hurt you. You're in mourning right now, whether it's the end of a relationship or friendship or the loss of your innocence. You're going through some kind of transition, and while you know it's for the best, that doesn't make it any easier. The best thing to do is take it day by day. Have patience with yourself; you're stronger than you think, and you will get through it.
"Get Out and Stay Out" from "9 to 5"
Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries. While it's always good to have emotional intimacy in relationships and friendships, be sure to decide within yourself what your comfort zones are, and don't be afraid to enforce them. It doesn't make you mean or a bad person to firmly, but kindly, ask others to respect your wishes. Learning to set boundaries is a lifelong process, and you'll get better at it over time. Still, don't beat yourself up for times in the past, present or future that you slip up and forego your own limits, and don't resent the parts of you that make you a warm, kind person. They are part of what makes you wonderful, and not everyone will take advantage of that.
"On My Own" from "Les Misérables"
I'm so sorry they don't like you back. We've all been there; dealing with unrequited feelings can be very difficult. Still, be patient with yourself. Whether you choose to get over the person, or keep pursuing them, remember to allow yourself to feel whatever it is you need to feel in each moment. It's okay to let the emotions pass through you for as long as they last. Just remember that you have a lot of love to offer, and someone, whether it's this person or someone else, will be so lucky and grateful to be on the receiving end of it.
"Breathe" from "In the Heights"
Burnout is normal. It bears repeating: burnout is normal. If you're reading this, I likely don't have to remind you of all the obstacles facing young people right now, so I will refrain from filling us both with the same fears for the future this generation is collectively feeling. But since you're intimately familiar with these issues which are mostly forces outside of your control, why are you beating yourself up for struggling? None of us is thriving right now, despite what your high school friend's Instagram story will tell you. All you have to do right now is the best you can-and your "best" will vary each day, so if you're on top of everything one day and then out of it for a while after, that's okay, too. Hearing others' suggestions can be helpful, but ultimately you know what's best for you. Trust yourself. You'll be fine, I promise.
"Defying Gravity" from "Wicked"
That dream you've been wanting to pursue-the one that you feel a little silly about but think about nonstop-keep going. You're on the right path, and part of you can sense it; that's why this song speaks to you. You're ready to move on from where you are in life, disproving the naysayers and showing yourself and the world that you have what it takes, and you do. Just remember: as you chase this goal, there is no shame in failure, nor is there shame in changing your mind. Our society tends to idealize the American dream as this system in which we grow up with a single-minded ambition and follow it until the very end; we act as if we're only supposed to have one lifelong passion, but that isn't true. If this goal of yours changes, if something else catches your eye and you start to wander in another direction, that's okay. The point is pursuing what makes you happy; that's what you should focus on. Trust yourself, and you'll make the right decision.