The Lion King teamed up with "ESPN Sport Science" for an exclusive look behind the scenes at the physical and mental athleticism required to perform in the award-winning best musical 8 times a week. The result is a three-part video series, with the first video, "Sport Science Lion King Edition - Stamina," below!
In "Sport Science Lion King Edition - Stamina," cast member India Bolds, whose ensemble track includes 9 different roles and 14 costume changes, talks about the stamina that keeps her going through her near-constant movement - both onstage and off - throughout the show.
India is outfitted for an entire live performance with a bioharness that measures physical stats like her heart rate (peaking at 192 BPM) and breathing rate (peaking at 40 BPM), and demonstrates why dancers have an aerobic capacity on par with the world's top soccer players. "ESPN Sport Science" reveals that India "travels" nearly 2.7 miles throughout the show - farther than an NBA MVP averages in a single game.
The remaining videos in the series - "Biomechanics" and "Puppetry and Brian Waves" - will be released in the coming weeks.