Do you ever wonder what your favorite Broadway, Off-Broadway, National Tour and regional stars are doing during intermission? Thanks to TUCK EVERLASTING's Andrew Keenan-Bolger (@KeenanBlogger) and Max von Essen (@MaxizPad), dedicated performers and excited fans, now you can see for yourself. Three years ago, Keenan-Bolger, then in MARY POPPINS, and Max von Essen, then in XANADU, started the trend.
Yesterday evening's photos featured more Easter antics from the casts of MATILDA, CINDERELLA, KINKY BOOTS, THE LION KING and WEST SIDE STORY, plus a first SIP from LUCKY GUY and shots from ONCE, NEWSIES, MAMMA MIA!, PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, WICKED, HANDS ON A HARDBODY, SHREK, A GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE TO LOVE AND MURDER at The Old Globe and more!
MATILDA's Samantha Sturm and Company
@SamanthaSturm: "The Easter bunny stopped by @matildabroadway just in time for an #SIP!! @queenlesli @hteepes"
MATILDA's Thayne Jasperson and Company
@thaynejasperson: "Matilda #sip. Easter bunny!!"
ONCE's Laura Dreyfuss and Ben Hope
@lauradreyfuss: "Chillin like a boss #SIP @oncemusical @ Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre"
LUCKY GUY's Deirdre Lovejoy
@ddlovejoy: "@LuckyGuyPlay #SIP HANKS standing in 4...Hanks. (The eyes have it.)"
NEWSIES' Adam Kaplan and Company
@AdamSKaplan: "@Newsies getting in the spirit of march madness @JackJackScott @Brenstims #SIP"
CINDERELLA's Greg Hildreth
@LauraOsnes: "Happy Easter from your friend, The Easter Bunny! @CinderellaBway @greg_hildreth #SIP"
KINKY BOOTS' Ellyn Marsh
@ellynmarsh: "Happy 1 yr on Bway NEWSIES! Love, @KinkyBootsBway #sip @NakedlySo @paulcanaan @WiddiBantour #howdoyouripthepapers?"
KINKY BOOTS' Eric Anderson and Company
@chameleonactor: "Little Angels. #sip @ Kinky Boots at the Al Hirschfeld Theatre"
THE LION KING's Selena Moshell and Company (National Tour)
@gmgtravel: "Happy Easter from the Lion King National Tour! #sip #lktourlife #tourlife #nationaltour #easter @..."
MAMMA MIA!'s Allyson Carr and Company
@AllyCarr313: "Always a crazy #SIP @MammaMiaMusical lol @sydnibeaudoin"
@JeremyStolle: "#SIP @GMightyMills @PhantomBway Richard Pooles wig EOTM"
WICKED's Brandon Rubendall
@brubendall: "That moment you set up a really amazing #SIP and then your twitter crashes and doesn't save it. #BroadwayProblems"
HANDS ON A HARDBODY's Janet Krupin and Company
@janetkrupin: "The Betty and Veronica of @hardbodymusical #broadway #sip"
WEST SIDE STORY's Guy Mandia Jr. and Company (National Tour)
@GuyMandia: "Happy Easter from Snowboy, Baby John, A-Rab and Action! #jets #westsideontour #SIP @KeenanBlogger @MaxizPad"
SHREK's Andrew Metzgar and Company (National Tour)
@AndrewJamesMetz: "Rats catching a movie at the cinema behind our theater in San Bernardino #SIP #shrekthemusicalontour @broadwayworld"
A GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE TO LOVE AND MURDER's Kendal Sparks (The Old Globe, San Diego)
@KendalSparks: "Heather Ayers spends intermission in a sassy craft apron. #SIP @TheOldGlobe @broadwayworld @MaxizPad @KeenanBlogger"
A GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE TO LOVE AND MURDER's Kendal Sparks and Company (The Old Globe)
@KendalSparks: "Just helping with a quick change. #SIP @TheOldGlobe @broadwayworld #gentlemansguidetobeinghelpful @MaxizPad"
Cast of DE JANTJES (The Netherlands)
@SIPNL: "SIP van De Jantjes: Marco krijgt een royal promotion als Jantje! #sip #sipnl"
MY FAIR LADY's Nick Cartell and Company (Triad Stage, Greensboro, NC)
@nickcartell: "@triadstage My Fair Lady sitz probe intermission #SIP w/ @huliaoz #singingpretty #loverly"
A NEW BRAIN's Aaron Ray and Company (Regional)
@Aaron_Ray_: "A New Brain may not have an intermission but on 2 dow shays we make it work. #SIP russelah"
WORD's Jesse J.H. Eisenberg and Company (NYU)
@jessejaehoon: "Cast of NYU Tisch's #Word. Don't hate us because we're beautiful. #SIP @KeenanBlogger @MaxizPad"
WORD's Jesse J.H. Eisenberg and Company (NYU)
@jessejaehoon: "#Word: A Soap Opera. #SIP"
Max Schwager (Washington, D.C.)
@mschwagr: "Angry regency actor #sip #emmatweets"
Max Schwager (Washington, D.C.)
@mschwagr: "Did they have Thin Mints in the regency era? #sip #emmatweets #gwu"
SPRING AWAKENING's Celeste Rose and Company (Ithaca College)
@ChelloItsChel: "First #SIP here at Ithaca College's Spring Awakening. Angst VS the Fraus and Heirs."
THE PRODUCERS' Alex J. Cairns and Company (Regional)
@AlexFancyCairns: "@MaxizPad @KeenanBlogger #SIP at "The Producers" an usherette and auditionee. #Keepingitgay"
A CHORUS LINE's Alex Huff (Springfield Little Theatre)
@grandpianoalex: "No intermission in #AChorusLine, but we have Paul's monologue! #springfieldlittletheatre #SIP"
ANNIE GET YOUR GUN's Vincent Teschel and Company (Crown Uptown)
@VincentTeschel: "#SIP #anniegetyourgun #franksgirls @CrownUptown"
Cast of GLAM KITTY SQUAD (Pantochino, CT)
@Pantochino: "The Cast of GLAM KITTY SQUAD celebrates intermission! #SIP"
SPRING AWAKENING's Ron S. and Company (La Mirada Theatre)
@RonSampana: "#Spring Awakening at #La Mirada Theatre... #SIP... Congrats to the cast & crew! Awesome show. :)"