At a ceremony at the Garrick Club today, John Lahr was awarded the Sheridan Morley Prize for Theatre Biography for Tennessee Williams: Mad Pilgrimage of the Flesh.
John Lahr said today, "You don't write books for prizes, but it's amazing how thrilling it is to win the acknowledgement because the whole enterprise is so solitary, and there are so many good writers - it's a huge honour." The other books on this year's shortlist were Our Time of Day: My Life with Corin Redgrave by Kika Markham, What do I Know?: People, Politics and the Arts by Richard Eyre, Covering Shakespeare by David Weston and I Know Nothing: The Autobiography by Andrew Sachs. Now in its eighth year, the prize is awarded for the best biography, autobiography or diary in theatre or show business published in the preceding calendar year. Established in 2008, the Prize is to honour Sheridan Morley's career as an author who specialised in biographies of actors, directors, and theatre and film personalities, including his own acclaimed memoir, Asking for Trouble. In his lifetime, he wrote 37 books, the majority of which were biographies, amongst them, the authorised lives of SirJohn Gielgud, Sir Noel Coward, and David Niven.Tennessee Williams: Mad Pilgrimage of the Flesh by John Lahr, published by Bloomsbury Circus
On 31 March 1945, at The Playhouse Theatre on Forty-Eight Street the curtain rose on the opening night of The Glass Menagerie. Tennessee Williams, the show's thirty-four-year-old playwright, sat hunched in an aisle seat, looking, according to one paper, 'like a farm boy in his Sunday best'. The Broadway premiere, which had been heading for disaster, closed to an astonishing twenty-four curtain calls and became an instant sell-out. Beloved by an American public, Tennessee Williams's work - blood hot and personal - pioneered, as Arthur Miller declared, 'a revolution' in American theatre.Videos