BWW snags a quick Q&A with 11-year-old Jaydon to catch a glimpse of his journey.
Central Arkansas has a new celebrity!
On Wednesday, April 2, at 7 PM on KARK, 11-year-old Jaydon Clark of North Little Rock makes his debut on Chicago Med in the episode titled "The Book of Archer." We cannot wait to see it!
Before security starts telling us “no autographs,” we managed to snag a quick Q&A with Jaydon to catch a glimpse of his journey, experience on set, and what it’s like to bring his character to life. #JaydonClark #ChicagoMed #TheBookOfArcher #ARStar
BWW: Jaydon, thanks so much for granting us this interview. We are so excited to see you on tv! What is it like being on set of Chicago Med?
Jaydon: Being on the set was awesome. They had this building built out, and it looked like a real hospital with rooms and everything. They had an ER room to just hospital rooms. They even had a section where there was just a bunch of food and snacks for us, that was my favorite.
BWW: Describe a typical day on the set.
Jaydon: You get a trailer that you hang out in. You start out getting into costume then go to hair and make-up. Then since I am a kid, I have to do 3 hours of schoolwork, so we would start on that until they are ready for my scene. We then go to where we are filming and will practice the scene a few times then we shoot it. Sometimes we have to shoot the scene a lot of times to get angles etc. Days are usually 9-10 hours long.
BWW: That sounds exhausting but a lot of fun. How do you find inspiration for your roles?
Jaydon: I find it in many areas.....from my coaches to the directors but one main thing that helps me is life and its experiences. My mom left when I was 10 months old, and I take that and use it as inspiration in different ways. Each role is different, and I just want people to see and feel what that character goes through.
BWW: For someone so young, you seem to be focused on what you want. Tell us how this all unfolded for you.
Jaydon: I started out as a little kid watching tv shows and one day I decided I would like to do that, so I started singing lessons. Brooke Melton, my voice coach, asked me if I would like to try out for a play called Pippen.... guess what, I didn't get it, but that did not bring me down! Two auditions later, I got the role as Tiny Tim! I was so excited and couldn't wait! After that I got roles such as Marty from Madagascar, Oliver as Oliver, and many more. Then me and my dad flew out of Atlanta and tried out for CGTV.. and I got in! The next summer we flew out to Hollywood and CGTVs showcase and met my agent and manger Anet and Coast to Coast. Then I tried out for many auditions, and I got one... The Rookie! That one was really fun. I got to shave my head and everything. After that, a few months later, the actors went on strike, so we had to wait and wait and wait till it was over. After that I was cast in a movie called The Wolf and the Lamb. Then I got Chicago Med, and now it's present day. .I also go to New York twice a year with Broadway Kids Auditions to sing in their showcases on Broadway …. New York is my kind of town! Who knows, I may be there one day!!!
BWW: We have no doubt about that. You are a joy to watch. What kind of characters do you prefer?
Jaydon: Any, but I really like the dramatic roles...they are usually the best ones.
BWW: Who impresses you the most when acting?
Jaydon: Other actors, because we all do the same thing, but the directors impress me because they have to do so many things in such little time!
BWW: What is the best thing about acting?
Jaydon: I love to perform in front of an audience, and I love to be able to tell whatever story I am telling. I love getting to know the character. I really like being part of a team of actors and directors as well as making new lifelong friends.
BWW: Have you been making friends on the sets?
Jaydon: Yes. A Lot of friends. One of my good friends, Cassandra Scerbom who has been in movies like Sharknado, texts me every week and we talk. It's pretty cool to have friends all over.
BWW: That is super cool! Where has been your favorite place to travel for work?
Jaydon: Montana was my favorite. It was awesome could see the mountains, animals and other cools things. I want to go back.
BWW: I’ve always wanted to go to Montana. You get to go to so many wonderful places. I know there are so many kids who are looking up to you right now. Who do you look up to? and Why?
Jaydon: I look up to my dad. He has to do so much to help me get to the places, do auditions, help with lines, help with measurements and just so much. Without him, I wouldn't be able to act or do any of this. It's just me and him and that's cool.
BWW: You do have a cool dad for sure! Is there anyone else you’d like to thank?
Jaydon: Everyone who has given me a chance by casting me, and the ones who support me. I want to thank all the theatres I have performed in locally -- Argenta, Wildwood, The Royal, The Studio, Murrays Dinner Playhouse and all the directors who cast me. I am grateful to Bob Bidewell, Mason Newberry, Bevan Keating. Moriah Patterson, Don Bolling, Justin Pike, Anna Kimmel, and I want to give very special thanks to you for your kind reviews!!!! I also want to thank everyone that comes out to the play and supports the actors, it means a lot to hear the applause!
BWW: Ok, before we wrap this up, tell us what you have coming up.
Jaydon: We filmed a movie this past Fall called The Wolf and The Lamb. It is in post-production so as soon as it is released, we will go out to the red carpet and promote it. I have also sent in numerous auditions this past week, so I’m waiting on those and waiting anxiously on what some local theatres are going to be doing coming up!
BWW: Well, we can’t wait to see what you do next. Thank you for allowing us to be a small part of your story.
Jayson: I'd like to thank everyone who follows me on this journey.