Rocky, which is set to open at the Winter Garden Theatre on March 13, 2014, brings to life the iconic and inspiring story of struggling small time Philly boxer, RockyBalboa, who gets a once-in-a-lifetime shot to go the distance against heavyweight champ Apollo Creed. Both an adrenaline-infused spectacle and a surprising story of blossoming romance between two lonely outsiders, Rocky is a heart-stopping and viscerally theatrical new musical for everyone brave enough to follow their dream.
Below you can check out photos of Karl in the series 'In The Spotlight' by acclaimed photographer Walter McBride!
Karl can currently be seen in a return performance on Broadway as Tommy DeVito in Jersey Boys, following his critically acclaimed performance as Neville Landless in the Broadway revival of The Mystery of Edwin Drood, for which he was nominated for a 2013 Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Featured Actor in a Musical. Andy went on to star in numerous Broadway productions including 9 to 5, Legally Blonde (ACCA Award), and On the 20th Century, among many others. His film and TV roles include Joyful Noise; Rob Reiner's And So It Goes (opposite Michael Douglas and Diane Keaton); "Legally Blonde: The Search for Elle Woods"; On the One; and New York, I Love You.
Photo Credit: Walter McBride
Andy Karl photographed on November 4, 2013 in New York City.
Andy Karl photographed on November 4, 2013 in New York City.
Andy Karl photographed on October 30, 2013 in New York City.
Andy Karl photographed on October 30, 2013 in New York City.
Andy Karl photographed on October 30, 2013 in New York City.