I have been very upfront in the past about my girl crush on Taylor Swift. I am not embarassed about one bit. Sorry T Swift haters out there, but the girl is pretty and talented. Deal with it! That all being said, T, what is up with the same old look?! I know you can do better than this.We are used to seeing Swift in gold/silvery sequined dresses that are feminine and show off her amazing body. I have to say, I was a little shocked not when I saw her outfit, but when I read that it was a Dolce & Gabbana. I usually associate D&G with sexier silhouettes and fabrics. Not that this dress isn't beautiful and not that T Swift doesn't look great. It's just, well, a little blah because we've seen this look so much. Step it up T Swift! We know you can.
Taylor Swift at the 48th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards in Las Vegas (Photo by Rex / Rex USA)