Michelle Williams always looks so adorably chic. She walks this fine line of cutesy and retro sexpot that no one else can pull off. If I could put Williams in any era, it would be the 1960's for sure. With those big eyes, pixie hair and pouty lips, she was born to be in the 60's.
But lucky for us, she was not a star in the 1960's, and we get to oo and ah over her beauty today. I love the whimsical black and white capsleeve Prada dress she wore for the premiere of her new film Oz the Great and Powerful. The dress fits in with the feel of the movie and flowers always suit Williams. I also love how she kept the look simple with just a rosy cheek and lip.
Michelle Williams attending 'Oz the Great and Powerful' film premiere in Los Angeles (Photo by Picture Perfect / Rex USA)