Today, the ghost-with-the-most makes his Broadway debut in this edgy and irreverent musical comedy, BEETLEJUICE, based on Tim Burton's dearly beloved film. Beetlejuice tells the story of Lydia Deetz, a strange and unusual teenager whose whole life changes when she meets a recently deceased couple and a demon with a thing for stripes. When Lydia calls on Beetlejuice to scare away anyone with a pulse, this double-crossing specter shows his true stripes, unleashing a (Nether)world of pandemonium, and the biggest sandworm Broadway has ever seen.
BEETLEJUICE is based on the 1988 film starring Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis, Catherine O'Hara, Michael Keaton, and Winona Ryder. In honor of the opening night of BEETLEJUICE, BroadwayWorld recounts the most iconic moments from the film.
Another great moment in the film is when Beetlejuice is trying to force Lydia into marriage, against everyone else's attempts to stop it. However, Beetlejuice messes up when he sends Barbara Maitland away to where the infamous Sand Snake is, because she uses it to crash the wedding and stop Beetlejuice!
Beetlejuice opens tonight on Broadway at the Winter Garden Theatre!