The Drama League (Executive Director, Gabriel Shanks) has announced the 2013 Drama League Awards Nominees for Distinguished Play, Distinguished Revival of a Play, Distinguished Musical, Distinguished Revival of a Musical, and Distinguished Performance Award. The nominations were announced at a ceremony hosted by Patina Miller and Michael Urie this morning at Sardi's Restaurant. Miss the announcement? Watch it below and check out a full list of nominees HERE!
The nominations announcement begins the month of celebrations leading up to the 79th Annual Drama League Awards, which will be held at the Marriott Marquis Times Square (1535 Broadway) on Friday, May 17, 2013 at noon. Tickets for The Drama League Awards, which includes pre-event cocktails and the star-studded afternoon luncheon ceremony hosted by David Hyde Pierce, are available by calling (212) 244-9494 or by visiting
For more information about the Drama League Awards, please call (212) 244-9494 ext 27, or e-mail, or visit the website at