The Broadway revival of Edward Albee's A Delicate Balance, directed by Pam MacKinnon and starring Glenn Close, John Lithgow, Lindsay Duncan, Bob Balaban, Clare Higgins, and Martha Plimpton concludes its run today, February 22, at the Golden Theatre.
In A Delicate Balance, Agnes (Glenn Close) and Tobias (John Lithgow), a long- married couple, must maintain their equilibrium as over the course of a weekend they welcome home their 36-year-old daughter (Martha Plimpton) after the collapse of her fourth marriage, and give shelter to their best friends (Bob Balaban and Clare Higgins), all the while tolerating Agnes' alcoholic sister Claire (Lindsay Duncan).
A DELICATE BALANCE won Edward Albee his first of three Pulitzer Prizes for Drama when it opened on Broadway in 1966. This production marks Glenn Close's return to the New York stage after a twenty-year absence. Joining Miss Close are two-time Tony Award-winner John Lithgow, who starred last summer in the title role of the Public Theater's production of King Lear at the Delacorte Theatre, and Lindsay Duncan, who last appeared on Broadway in Private Lives, winning a Tony Award for her performance.
In May 2014, it was announced that an all-star revival of Edward Albee's A DELICATE BALANCE, headed by Glenn Close and John Lithgow, would arrive on Broadway later that year.
With previews underway, Close and Lithgow made the morning press rounds in anticipation of opening night!
Check out a look back at the cast in action at the Golden below!
Photos by Joan Marcus
The production opened on Nov. 20, 2014, where the cast paid tribute to the late Mike Nichols during the show's closing curtain call, where they performed a rendition of 'Happy Trails to You.' Check out shots below!