I decided an interesting idea would be to come up with a list of 5 New Year’s resolutions for thespians.
I have never been someone who has made New Year's resolutions for myself because I've never thought they were necessary for my life. I've always believed we change and develop our lives throughout the year. We cannot determine what to change once a year. However, with this unusual year, I decided an interesting idea would be to come up with a list of 5 New Year's resolutions for thespians.
5. Expand Your Theatre Knowledge
This year has been anything but ordinary, so while we wait for shows to head back to the stage, in the meantime, we can expand our theatre knowledge. From reading plays, listening to new musicals, or learning about theatre history. While we cannot experience the feeling of theatre in-person at this time, there are so many different ways to broaden our love for theatre.
4. Introduce Someone In Your Life to Theatre
Do you remember the time you fell in love with theatre? Well, you can share that love with someone else. One of the most incredible aspects of theatre is how diverse it is. There are so many varieties and types of theatre that anyone can love. That malleability of theatre works exceptionally well when introducing it to someone who hasn't experienced the magic of theatre in their lives. By introducing something you love to someone else, your bond between that person becomes even stronger.
3. Contribute to Theatre Groups During These Struggling Times
Theatre's around the country are struggling to stay afloat due to the pandemic. So if you are financially able to, consider contributing to your local theatre group that is struggling financially. This will not only make you feel good, but it also helps pave the way for theatre groups to have the chance to return to the stage in the future.
2. Acclimate Yourself to Pieces of Theatre You Wouldn't Normally
This is the perfect time to discover pieces of theatre you would not normally invest your time into. If you're really into musical theatre but not that into plays, find a few plays to read and explore that realm of theatre. Listen or watch a musical on BroadwayHD that you have not seen before. By expanding your love and appreciation for theatre, you'll be ready to get wowed once you have the opportunity to see your favorite shows hit the stage again!
1. Be Grateful for the Theatre We Can Experience Now
Right now, there are so many ways to enjoy theatre. While not many stage productions have opened, many theatre groups have transformed their productions to fit the times. From streaming shows in the comfort of your own homes or radio dramas where thespians can experience that kind of entertainment that has not been experienced in quite some time. Of course, everyone would enjoy seeing a show in person, but at this time, supporting these types of productions will make you appreciate live theatre even more.