I love reading/watching the "Day in the Life" videos on Broadway World! And now I get to do one!
Balancing classes with two rehearsal schedules takes up a lot of my day, but I would rather be busy than be sitting bored at home!
You can follow more of my adventures on Instagram or on Snapchat at:
Instagram: broadwaymyheartout
Snapchat: maty_cameron
Stay humble and kind Broadway World, and never stop reaching for your dreams.
Breakfast with this little three-legged munchkin!
Off to business class! Look guys, there is still snow on the ground. Lots of it. In April. SOS.
Got to fit a quick lunch in from the café in the FA building -- which is newly redone. This building guys -- I could live in it (and as an MT major I basically do!)
Voice lessons with the wonderful Sean Stone! This man is the most amazing musician ever. Genius level.
Music Theory Class!! We are learning cite reading: I'm obviously great at it...JK! Help me pass this class Broadway World.
Quick dinner with "Friends" (HA I'm so funny.)
Swan Lake Rehearsal with the little ones! The dance studio is in an old church! It's pretty awesome. There's a bullet hole in the viewing window.
Warm-ups at Angry Psycho Princesses with Paige, our amazing Pocahontas. She's pretty boss. This is when I generally finish my day, because rehearsal now goes late at night and I crawl into bed as soon as I get home!!