Student Blog: Putting it Together: Tips for Building an Audition Book
If you’re anything like me, audition season is both the most exhilarating and most stressful time of the year. Juggling in-person and virtual auditions, and trying to stay on top of the most recent casting call is overwhelming to say the least, but by preparing an audition book that you’re comfortable and confident in, the stress of material prep can be alleviated. Armed with my own book and a pack of sticky tabs, I’ve compiled some tips to help you build your book!
Student Blog: Writing What I Know
Hi, I'm Makena, a current college freshman pursuing a BFA in Acting for the Stage & Screen. I love theatre in all forms and can't wait to share all I'm learning from my theatre program and experiences.
Student Blog: Meet Jake Esparza
Willkommen, bienvenue, and welcome to my first article with BroadwayWorld! I am beyond excited to take you into my life and my love for theatre! Over the next four months (and beyond, who knows!), I will be sharing everything from my daily routine as a full-time college student, to my theatre background, to my budgeting methods to support live theatre in my area, and more!