Welcome back to week two of my blog, fellow thespians. What a week this has been! I managed to survive tech last week with minimal damage. The APO show went up without a hitch, and we actually managed to completely sell out both of our performances. Needless to say, I was very pleased with the results; however, I am very glad to be able to focus solely on the other production that I am currently working on, William Shakespeare's The Tempest.
I'll spare you all the in-depth plot summary of The Tempest as I am sure most of you are somewhat familiar with the story. However, we have elected to turn the story of Prospero and his magical revenge on its head by making not a story about Prospero, but the tale of Prospera. We have chosen to gender-bend almost the entire show which is adding such a cool and interesting perspective to the play. Getting to see this classical piece of theatre through the female perspective is fascinating and eye-opening. We address themes of power dynamics, revenge, and forgiveness, all of which are significantly different to explore when the primary characters are female.
Watching and participating in rehearsals has been an incredible and educational experience. I love watching my fellow actors work so hard to bring a show that we all love to life. They are all so impressive, and each person has something unique to bring to the stage. I believe that there is so much to be learned by watching others and how they create a character. The sheer scope of what my fellow can create is breath-taking and inspires me to new levels of dedication and work ethic. I am so blessed to have these incredibly talented people to watch and admire!
In addition to being an actor in this show, I am also prop master. I have been tasked with building Prospera's staff, and I am really excited to complete it. I am learning so much while working on it, and I think that it will be really beautiful when it's done. I am not well-versed in construction or building, so working on this is going to be a real challenge for me, but I think that I am more than capable of rising to the occasion, and I will be so proud of it when it's done!
There is so much more that can be said about The Tempest and theatre here at Messiah College, and I will be bringing you more anecdotes of my time doing this show and what my college theatre experience has been. There is so much I am learning, and I am really enjoying letting you in on it all. Come back next week for a look at some things that I have learned as a college theatre major. Until next time!