Who Played Ardet in The Letter of the Law

Charles F. Coghlan Broadway The Letter of the Law 1920

Other Roles in The Letter of the Law

Ardet Broadway The Letter of the Law 1920
Attorney General of France Broadway The Letter of the Law 1920
Benoit Broadway The Letter of the Law 1920
Bertha Broadway The Letter of the Law 1920
Bridet Broadway The Letter of the Law 1920
Bunerat Broadway The Letter of the Law 1920
Cataliena Broadway The Letter of the Law 1920
Delorme Broadway The Letter of the Law 1920
Etchepare's Mother Broadway The Letter of the Law 1920
Etchpare Broadway The Letter of the Law 1920
Janitor Broadway The Letter of the Law 1920
La Bouzule Broadway The Letter of the Law 1920
Madame Bunerat Broadway The Letter of the Law 1920
Madame Vagret Broadway The Letter of the Law 1920
Mondoubleau Broadway The Letter of the Law 1920
Mouzon Broadway The Letter of the Law 1920
Police Sergeant Broadway The Letter of the Law 1920
Policeman Broadway The Letter of the Law 1920
Vagret Broadway The Letter of the Law 1920
Yanetta Broadway The Letter of the Law 1920
