How was Tale Today?

broadwaygirl99 Profile Photo
#1How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 6:18pm

I was wondering how the last show went. Did they make a big speech? Was it crowded? Where they all crying? Any broadway celebs there? Anyone who was there give me the full story. Thanks! =)

#2re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 6:31pm

The theater was mobbed with celebs: Regis Philbin, Oliver North, Rula Lenska, Sean Hannity, Martin Tankleff, Soshanna Bean, Cloris Leachman, Emeril Lagasse...I could go on!

There were lots of people crying; mostly because the speeches were so long.

After the show , I saw the police escort James Barbour from the stage door in handcuffs. He kept saying, "No, not again!"

Sad, really.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

broadwaygirl99 Profile Photo
#2re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 6:33pm

Can't you respond without being a smart allic?

lakezurich Profile Photo
#3re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 6:47pm

Ha! That was hilarious Dolly!

Rant, Wickud, Rant, Wickud, Rant! We're not gonna pay Rant! 'Cause everythink is Wickud!

"Leave Walt Disney Theatricals new sparkling production of The Little Mermaid on Broadway alone!!!"

lakezurich will be played by Paul Groves in the BWW musical

cglaid Profile Photo
#4re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 7:14pm

I was also there. I caught a glimpse of Kate Weatherhead as I was leaving the theatre.

It was my first time seeing the show. My thoughts were that the voices were unbelievable --- what a talented cast... The costumes were great as well. It was far too overproduced and too long, but the whole cast was definitely loving every minute.

James Barbour gave a very touching speech at the end.

Two highlights:

During the first act I believe, someone tells Lucie that her father is calling. At that exact moment, someone in the audience's cell phone went off. Many chuckles around the audience. Also, after a huge performance by James Barbour, there was a moment of silence before he got back into the song... an older gentleman about two rows ahead of me let out a huge snore. His wife was completely mortified. Too funny.
Updated On: 11/9/08 at 07:14 PM

HometownGlory Profile Photo
#5re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 7:30pm

Well, the audience was enthusiastic, for sure. As soon as that logo popped up with the big orchestra swelling up, people went bananas. Lots of cheering and hooting and whistling for everyone.

The cell phone's timing was FUNNY. There was another point, I forget where, where Barbour made a goofy face. Don't think he did that usually. Other than that, everything was perfectly normal.

Barbour was solid and powerful, as usual. He made a lovely speech at curtain (the only one - we only stayed an extra five minutes or so) and became emotional, which caused everyone else onstage to well up with him. Brandi Burkhardt has improved since I saw the show in previews - her part was underwritten, but there is a warmth to her and to her voice that I enjoy. I hope to see her back on the boards soon, and not necessarily in a Wildhorn piece. Same with Aaron Lazar - underwritten part, untapped talent. Best wishes to all of them.

I thought Natalie Toro was overrated when I saw it before, and she didn't really change my mind this time - great big belt, but for playing such a psycho character, she comes across as kind of...tepid. (Probably Santoriello's fault more than hers.) Still, she got every note, and was sobbing from the moment she stepped out for her bow at the end. I felt for her. She has spent a lot of time with this piece - closings are always emotional, and to suddenly be jobless in these troubling times to boot, it's gotta be hard.

But the show is done, a beautiful story that I think could still make a much better musical than this. I wish the performers well and, while it wasn't as good as it could have been, I hope nothing but the best for Santoriello and that legion of producers. Reading their biographies - "invested all of his life savings...", "he predicts with confidence that not even wind, rain or fire will get in the way of TALE being a smash hit!" - is just depressing now. But that's what the show needed - an experienced hand to guide it into a better direction. An untrained creator with green producers was not bound to end well.

(ETA: As for attendance, I was in the Mezz and it was only about two-thirds full. There were a ton of empty seats on the sides - six or seven rows apiece.)
Updated On: 11/9/08 at 07:30 PM

#6re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 7:43pm

Me, a "smart allic"?

Hardly, dear child. I'm a tried and true smart "aleck".

Learn to spell, little girl.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)
Updated On: 11/9/08 at 07:43 PM

JP2 Profile Photo
#7re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 7:51pm

Oh BWW. You never change.

#8re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 7:53pm

Just like the GOP!

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

#9re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 8:02pm

I was on one of the extreme sides in the orchestra, which was sold-out. It was a great show, and I forgot how much of it I enjoyed. There's still one too many power ballads, but a lot of the bigger numbers - Out of Sight Out of Mind, Without a Word, Can't Recall - were still moving and beautiful. I noticed a few changes from the last time I saw it (which was in early previews). Was the grave robber song finally cut? I know a lot of people on the boards said that they should cut it, and I didn't notice it in the Playbill. Either way, I think the last 15 mins of the show are beautiful and breathtaking. If they could have taken that sort of idea and creativity and flushed out the rest of the show, it would have been stellar. I think the show is a hard sell anyways. It could have the best score of the past 10 years, and still, I think it would not have been a hit. Nobody wants to go see a musical version of an epic Charles Dickens novel. But who knows, maybe it would have? I think it will be very popular if it tours, though.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#10re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 8:05pm

<< Oh BWW. You never change >>

Nope. And its sad.

Anyway... wife was there, and she said it was amazing ! Said James gave a very nice speech at the end, thanking everyone.

Really think the critics were too harsh with this show. Just my .02

Gonna miss it !

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#11re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 8:07pm

The critics killed another good show IMO

It is so bad that backers are putting money into it to tour.

Poster Emeritus

#12re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 8:08pm

If you think it's good, then why is it bad that it's going to tour?

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#13re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 8:09pm

That is the most convoluted logic I have ever heard . You missed the point. If it is dreck like you & others say, why would more money be poured into it to tour? I think it is great it is toruring & others will get a chance to see it.Many times critics have their head you know where & would not know a good show if it came & bit them in the ass.

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 11/9/08 at 08:09 PM

#14re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 8:10pm

No, not really...
If you like the show, why wouldn't you want it to tour?

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#15re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 8:10pm

I was there as well. It was truly fantastic. James, Natalie, Brandi and the rest of the cast were giving it their all. "Out of Sight, Out of Mind" was the best I had ever heard it...true brilliance. "Without A Word" was absoutely incredible...Brandi hit is out of the park. And all of James' songs were perfection...he is a Broadway star, and a wonderful leading man.

I was fortunate enough to speak to Jill Santoriello, Warren Carlyle, and Tony Walton. When I told Tony, "I'm so sorry that the show closed," he responded with "At least Obama won!" I thought that was cute.

It was a very emotional afternoon and I was honored to have been present at A TALE OF TWO CITIES' 60th and final performance. Conngrats to the cast, crew and creative team for putting on such a wonderful show. I feel privileged to have seen it 4 times in previews, see the show evolve, and see its final Broadway performance.

PS: Spotted in the audience...Joanna Gleason looking fabulous as always.
Updated On: 11/9/08 at 08:10 PM

#16re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 8:12pm

The crowd was incredibly large at the stage door.

#17re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 8:16pm

So sorry " Tale" - - as they say " There's a broken heart for every light on broadway "

philly03 Profile Photo
#18re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 8:16pm

I'm glad some Tale supporters madde it. I bought a ticket for next Sunday and unfortunately got home tonight from a retreat and well got the awful news re: How was Tale Today?. Talk about ruining a great weekend/the great one I was looking forward to next weekend!

But I really just want to give props to Natalie Toro. She's a class performer who really deserved after all these years of doing tours, regional/etc. to finally originate a role on Broadway.'s been 18 years since she was last Eponine on Broadway? She's said with it, similar to Barbour she's done her dues with the material...well atleast I'm glad she did finally get to back on Broadway and originate a role!

Best ot Jill & Tale Cast & Crew. I would have loved to have been there tonight!!!

HometownGlory Profile Photo
#19re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 8:17pm

I thought Without A Word was the highlight of the show! I had completely forgotten about it from the first time I saw it. Brandi was fantastic and completely won me over.

And yes, stagedoor was crowded - I was surprised. I decided not to bother.

It was a pleasure to see the differences from the previews to the final performance. I think it will do well on tour, and I wish them all the best.

"But I really just want to give props to Natalie Toro. She's a class performer who really deserved after all these years of doing tours, regional/etc. to finally originate a role on Broadway."

This is why it was so heartbreaking to see how hard she was crying. She was REALLY having a tough time.
Updated On: 11/9/08 at 08:17 PM

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#20re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 8:20pm

Do you know anything about where it's touring?

Say... Washington D.C., per chance?

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#21re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 8:21pm

Wat- so glad you loved as much as we did !!

I assume that you went by stage door? My wife was there, and got some cool pics (you might have seen her with Catherine Missal (giving her flowers)-

Child is an angel !!!

CyCoSpAz2 Profile Photo
#22re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 8:22pm

I never would have forgiven myself if I did not go to the show tonight; the audience was electrified and enthusiastic throughout the entire show, from the moment the announcement was the voice of the "Number Caller" for evening and all the way through the performance.

The orchestra was packed (nobody was in the Standing Room section though) and I was off to an extreme side. The performance went smoothly and there were only a few quirks I noticed, like the aforementioned James Barbour smile in his interaction with Lucie after she gives him the scarf. Some other minor changes in phrasing, but nothing substantial.

The timing of that cell phone was pretty funny, but there was another cell phone that started going off shortly after that which was pretty annoying.

Natalie Toro and James Barbour got entrance applause, and there were applause after almost every scene. As I said, the audience was very enthusiastic and receptive of the show. It was a great atmosphere.

The stage door was mobbed with fanatics and fans alike. Jill Santoriello was the last one out and she signed and talked to everyone. She said that we could expect another recording of the show in the next 6-12 months. She seemed in good spirits, and even said "Tony Schmoney" when someone wished her luck at the Tonys.

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#23re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 8:24pm

"She said that we could expect another recording of the show in the next 6-12 months."

This is the best news I've heard in weeks.

Including the presidential election.

Here's hoping that happens... and ew, I'm sounding disgustingly desperate on all of these ATOTC threads.

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy
Updated On: 11/9/08 at 08:24 PM

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#24re: How was Tale Today?
Posted: 11/9/08 at 8:40pm

HometownGlory: I am THRILLED that you loved "Without A Word" so much. Brandi is a real talent and a true force to be reckoned with. I hope she is on Broadway again VERY VERY soon...and such a sweet person too.

Testing: Yes, I was at the stage door and it was truly wonderful speaking to all the actors one last time. This cast is so wonderful. I probably did see your wife, Testing, but I don't know what she looks like! The stage door was mobbed!
Updated On: 11/9/08 at 08:40 PM
